I took some pics which I will try to edit in. Here is the list of small accessories from the instructions.
1. Pot belly stove.................................17. Sign post stand
2. Pot belly stove pipe..........................18. Sign post directional signs(9)
3. Water Barrels (3).............................19. Lounge chair seat
4. Foot Lockers (4)...............................20. Lounge chair backrest
5. Single book case..............................21. Lounge chair legs
6. Gas cans ( 3)...................................22. Office chair seat
7. Book Shelves...................................23. Office chair backrest
8. Hospital Lamps................................24. Mess tables (4-Large)
9. Phonograph.....................................25. Benches (8)
10. Typewriter......................................26. Door supports (8)
11. Radio..............................................27. Chess table
12. Pole (Basketball court)...................28. Typewriter table
13. Basketbal backboard......................29. Head post (6-bed)
14. Basketball hoop..............................30. Bed (6)
15. Pole stand.......................................31. Foot post (6-bed)
16. Sign post pole..................................32. Packing crates (4)
The set does a decent job of capturing the atmosphere of M.A.S.H. and the typewriter, radio, and phonograph are really detailed. The benches and tables are all nice, but other sets have had these. The nice thing about these are they are much longer to accomidate several joes at once. The PTE barrels and boxes are much better, however these look more the part for the era IMO. The beds are just O.K. They molded in the covers and pillows and are a little wide.....I might just be used to seeing narrow ones.......
http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h105/ ... C04112.jpghttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h105/ ... C04111.jpghttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h105/ ... C04110.jpghttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h105/ ... C04109.jpghttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h105/ ... C04108.jpghttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h105/ ... C04107.jpg The pics were much higher res, I just am not sure how to keep photobucket from cropping them down.....