Recondo76 wrote:
I REALLY hope someone at Hasbro reads this...because there are three VERY simple fixes that could make these figures damn near perfect (or as perfect as repainted kitbashes can get) which would make the majority of us VERY happy and make you a LOT MORE MONEY:
1. Use the HISS Driver chest on alread have it in a non-quilted version...USE IT.
2. Use the TF Flint Arms on ALREADY have them...use them.
3. Use a Snake Eyes torso on the IG...doesn't matter which one...just don't use the's too iconic to be used on a troop builder that we all love and want to buy TONS of if you do it right.
these three fixes are the equivalent of printing money.
SO DO IT!!!!
1. YES
2. YES
3. YES
Please and Thank You Hasbro!
"My dear Dr. Burkhart -- you will soon see the distinct advantages of having no scruples whatsoever!"