I was so late to the party, but not to the dance.
I ordered four heads that I wanted to use for fantasy customs, and judging from the pictures shown, I thought that they would be pretty close to what I wanted.
I was so very wrong.
These heads are EXACTLY what I wanted, and looked for. The Conan head, GOLD! The pointed ear head, looks like it came off the cover of a Drizz't novel..GOLD! The barbarian head, excellent for a viking, dwarf, barbarian, everything...GOLD!, and the female head with the mask, whom I slotted for an archer...GOLD!.
This is what toy heads, and service should be all about. Between you and the Johns, this hobby will never get stale. I can say this at 47, and I'll say it again at 97.
I know he must have a staff or something that must share the credit, but for now, Dave gets that and more as the details, quality, coloring, and everything else, is going to make my dreams that much closer to reality.
You're awesome Dave, and needless to say, I and others will be wearing out you and your staff's fingers.
_________________ Sometimes, the mad are driven that way. http://capolan.tripod.com/- Some Stuff.