Thanks for all the comments you guys.....
nova wrote:
Where's his White Tiger Zord? Cuz I totaly get a Tommy the White Ranger vibe from this custom.
Paints look great...especially considering that he's all white. Did you spray or brush him?
Thanks man. Thats what I was going for.......A reformed Tommy who has parted ways with Cobra. All the white is sort of a symbol that reflects that......
I wouldnt call it brushing, but more of a dabing.
nova wrote:
I'm not entirely sold on the DD Stormy designs...and I'm not sure all the gear works so well overtop of suit.
Not sure if it'd be worth the trouble...but I'd think adding the long open skirting of a Duster would help balance the busy upper body with the rather plain lower body....It'd give him a bit of the Joe Reloaded vibe. I'd prolly switch heads to the Unmasked stormy as well.
Good point. That sorta bugs me about this piece as well. It's so under developed in the legs........But I figured if I added any nun-chucks or extra pouches to the thighs, it woulda been too much......Too commando like.