AutobotC5 wrote:
I can confirm the Kroger link, as I found a set there today. No Torn Shirt Indy, though. This is kinda harkening back to the MOTU Snake Men/Aldi's fiasco...
Hasbro wasn't kidding when they said it was their best IJ assortment yet. The paint apps are killer.
Second that! If this line has suffered from one thing more than anything else, it has been unusually sloppy paint apps around the eyes. I expected to find Short Round looking like someone had just stepped on his foot or worse, but he was just fine. Very neatly done, as was the plaid detail on his outer shirt, and the logo and lines on his cap.
The other new figures, including Willie Scott, Mola Ram, and the Temple Guard and Chief Temple Guard, I think benefit from the fact that they have more ornate designs to begin with, as they appeared in the movie, compared to, say, German or Russian Soldiers (not to malign the soldiers). These designs have been carried out very effectively in these figures.
It's a genuine shame that the line is ending, but at least we got this wave, and all four movies are fairly represented in this Indiana Jones action figure series.