FireFox91 wrote:
But getting online from a dealer in the US is okay with me. That is how I got the F-16 and both F-18s I own (from Smalljoes). They are a specialty item and I wouldn't expect too many retailers to be willing to make the commitment and stock them.
Online is fine with me, too (got mine the same way, though through Ebay). Problem is, it's hard for a company to justify devoting the resources to develop and bring to market a product like that if big-box retailers aren't going to order them. It's a money-loser these days unless they get involved.
Konigstiger wrote:
I can see why the F-14 wouldn't get made, but i can't see why the 104 did. It's biggest claims to fame are A: It's a death trap and B: Erich Hartmann called a spade a spade on it. This is why 21st is in trouble, odd choices.
Hard to say why 21st chose it, other than size, and the fact that it fit into their Vietnam-era sub-line for 1:18. Personally, I love mine. Loved the design as a kid, and its part in
The Right Stuff helped keep its popularity up there for me.
I agree, though, they make some very weird product choices. You'd have thought they'd have been making umpteen different variants off of that 1:18 Panzer III/IV chassis...I know I'd have been snapping those up as soon as they hit the shelves. Instead we got, what, one?
I think the most infuriating thing about 21st, though, is their never-ending "We're definitely going to make this" line when showing protos. The lack of A-10, F-4, MiG-21, and B-25 still leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth.
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