This week I have a huge 5-character update! Let's get to it...
"Once just a rookie cop, Leon Kennedy became one of the original survivors of the Raccoon City incident. He is quite proficient in small arms, knife fighting, and unarmed combat as well as explosives. He has fought off hordes of vicious, flesh-eating zombies to horrifying biological mutations born from the Umbrella company's underground labs. Trustworthy and tough as nails, Leon helps to lead the fight against all forms of bio-terrorism. Even if it means risking his life to do so!"Parts Used:
Head: Leon Headcast from
Body: Resolute Cobra Trooper
Lower legs: Sgt Flash
Feet: General Hawk
Chest plate: clear vinyl cutting
More pics here!---->
Leon Kennedy GI Joe-----------------------------------------------
"Chris Redfield started out as a member of S.T.A.R.S meeting up with his sister Claire Redfield. But the Umbrella Corporation changed all that when Chris discovered the Hive and was forced to face all sorts of horrifying zombies and biological experiments gone awry. After a stint as a fugitive from Umbrella, Chris is now part of the B.S.A.A., or Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. Using his knowledge, he helps rid the world of the aftereffects from Umbrella's viral creations."Parts Used:
Head: Chris Headcast from
Body: Firefly/beach head
Upper arms: Storm Shadow
Lower Arms: Tiger Force Flint
Hands/legs: Resolute Duke
More pics here!----->
Chris Redfield GI Joe-----------------------------------------
"Since movies were first viewed in black and white, Zombies have been a staple of the horror industry. Now they’re more than just a scary on-screen appearance. The Umbrella Corporation has engineered a virus that brings the dead back to life, among other things. The first stage is reanimation of corpses, followed by mutation and even replication. So watch out for the things that go bump in the night, they might just bump in to you!" Parts Used:
Head: StarWars Trinto Duaba
Body: Shipwreck
Hands: 21st Century military fig
More pics here!---->
GI Joe Resident Evil Zombie-------------------------------------------
"Once regular humans that colonized the planet Helghan, these 'Helghast' are the descendants of those colonists. They have adapted to the harsh environment of the planet and are stronger, faster, and more durable than normal humans. Forced to breath their planet's atmosphere through their gas masks, the Helghast Soldiers descent by the thousands to off-world planets in an attempt to eliminate the weaker human race. It truly is a terrifying sight to see the glowing goggles appear in the darkness. When these troops land, you know you're in for a fight!" Parts Used:
Head: Helghast Headcast from
Body: Arctic Snake Eyes
Feet: Roadblock
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GI Joe Killzone 2 Helghast Soldier--------------------------------------------
Trained in the Arashikage Ninja clan and excelling in bow and sword skills, Storm Shadow is a deadly adversary. Due to the brainwashing by Cobra he once served as Cobra Commander’s personal assassin and bodyguard. Still trying to clear his mind of the programming, Storm Shadow can often be found practicing and meditating on the deserted shores of his homeland."Parts Used:
Head/lower legs: Storm Shadow/Tunnel Rat 2-pack
Body: DVD Pack Quick Kick
Neckwrap: SW Sandstorm Han Solo
Waistwrap: Indiana Jones Cairo goon
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Custom Shirtless Storm Shadow