Thanks guys for all the kudos. Cap that was my Ada, and thanks for the nod to her. I'll definitely see if I can work up a tutorial with pics. I've got another idea for a custom that could utilize the torso swap, and I'll take pics to document the process as I go along. I've got a couple new customs from my spare parts brigade finished. Both were born from just throwing fodder parts together until I found something that sort of made since.
BAT MBG (Mind-bender's Bodyguard)
I figured the Twins have the CG. Destro has the IG. Cobra Co has the whole Cobra Army. I figured it would be nice to give Dr.MB some forces. My thoughts behind the character is the MBG's were built with a more fluid nature and with more bulk give a closer taste to humanity. Dr.MB actually added synthetic skin to further enhance the human-feel. As a bonus, the good Dr. is able to don the attire of MBG and spy on his fellow cohorts as distrust always runs rampant within Cobra.
Luke Sywalker: Jedi Master. This is the first SW custom I've made of a SW character in over 5 years. I wanted to try my hand at adding a ball neckpost to a non neckpost figure. I dremeled out the A Hett neck, and then cut the neckball off a Cade Skywalker fig I had already butchered for other customs. It turned out pretty good.
Looking for 2 Retalitation Night-Vipers and multiple MU Professor X's. Help if you can.