Hey everyone!
Here are two of my older projects that are still in works since 2004 (Sci-Fi). Time has been scarce last couple of years. They've been sitting in the garage and now getting back to finishing them. Hopefully by the end of March they'll be completed and submitted to the custom section. Much like the BTR-60, they still have a way to go. Once completed I'll post new pictures.
The vehicles were designed on paper by me and built strictly out of styrene plastic with very little usage of other parts. There are no other vehicle parts used. Only exception was a side gun I mounted that's not pictured here and some of the engine components.
Here are the pics and background. Click the pic to see the larger size. 1/18 Scale Heavy Assualt Hover Tank (H.A.H.T) Story: Used for large scale assaults on cities, enemy armor and infantry. Sent in to support other tanks/combat units that are overwhelmed by enemy forces. Their strength in armor and firepower is used to pummel enemy forces that the H.A.H.T encounters. The bulkier design and heavy armor/equipment make the vehicle much slower than the more conventional armor. Still, what it lacks in speed it makes up in sheer fire power. Very few enemy units that encounter the H.A.H.T live to tell the story.
Still has primer paint on the outside and interior. Added additional details to outside of the vehicle that have not been painted. The rear of the tank has been extended by about a 1" to 1.5". A thick door added to the rear as well opens to allow troop access.
Features: Rotating Turret;; Opening Turret Hatch;; Small plasma gun atop the turret elevates/rotates;; Interior gunner station attached to base of the turret rotates as the turret rotates;; .5" rear compartment door opens (mod not seen in picture);; Rear compartment seat 4 figures;; Driver Cabin has operating features like moveable targeting display for night operations;; driver compartment hatches open;; double doors open to reveal engine compartment;; rolling wheels to allow motion but concealed to give impression the vehicle is hovering.
1/18 Scale Vehicle/Troop/Cargo DropShip (VTC Dropship)Story: It was essential that forces could move supplies, troops, and heavy equipment rapidly in the battlefield or between space cruisers to base supply points on planets. The dropship was flexible in it's capabilities which the military embraced. It's ability to enter hot combat zones made it a practical vehicle to use. The dropship was armored but could not withstand heavy onslaught of enemy fire (balance between speed and armor was necessary). For that reason, engineers designed the dropship to allow for combat vehicles, troops, and access to supplies, to offload from the rear of the dropship. The dropship had forward mini cannons to deflect infantry and light armor attacks and side, rotating, heavy turrets to suppress enemy ground forces in the area.
I'm considering repainting the vehicle and adding some additional details to it.
Features: Large interior cargo hold;; Rear opening cargo door;; front cabin seats 5 figures with individual stations for each figure;; cabin has computer consoles, rotating seats built into the cabin;; interior cabin lights up;; side door opens on front of cabin;; top hatch opens on top of cabin;; Engine compartment hatches open for engine access;; rotating turrets;; movable landing spot lights;; sliding hatch door connecting the crew cabin with the rear cargo hold.
Please let me know what you all think. Any opinions, comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Positive Trader Reports:
http://www.warbird-photos.com/gpxd/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15312&start=650gliderdwm 30 Sep 10, 22 Oct 10
popeye357 13 Oct 10
Ferrari250GTO 15 Oct 10
xddave 24 Oct 10
ram04 9 Nov 10