This was such a simple figure to put together. The hardest part was painting the stupid eyeballs on this guy. The rest was cake. A simple headswap and minor repaint and I have my Arctic Rock 'n' Roll. I considered using the white Snow Job body (since I like my arctic figs to be in white) but I figured he's carrying a loud machine gun so it's not like he's going to be sneaking up on anyone. So I threw the Broken Arrow Toys head on the Arctic Snake-eyes body, gave him some camo pants and a custom Marauder Mini-Gun and he's all ready for making snow angels.
Head: Broken Arrow Toys
Body: 25th Arctic Snake-eyes
Gun: Marauder Mini Gun (modified)
Rock 'n' Roll is a true soldier. He fights wherever needed and outfits himself in whatever gear is necessary to get the job done. In the desolate tundra of the arctic he dons a heavy winter jacket and fatigue snow pants. Rock 'n' Roll knows that efficiency is the key in any environment but especially in the arctic where the decision to carry food instead of ammo can be a life or death question. Since he's always on the cutting edge of weapon development, when duty calls him to the cold he grabs his XMLMG-6 laser mini gun. A modified version of the XMLR-3 laser rifle, the XMLMG-6 uses gatling gun mechanics with the efficiency of a laser rifle. What makes it so useful on the tundra is the user no longer needs to carry heavy ammunition. Instead a high-capacity battery is what powers this dangerous weapon, leaving the user with more pack room for supplies that might be more vital in the cold.