This is a simle head swap and slight repaint that I've wanted to do for a while now. I was tempted to use the Torpedo body but the SRO Torpedo just seemed more appropriate. He'll fit in nicely with my other Joe divers.
Head: 25th Rock 'n' Roll
Body: 25th SRO Torpedo
Rifle: Marauder Inc.
Codename: Cueball
Armadillo Driver
Filename: Jammer, Quentin
Primary Military Specialty: Anti-aircraft gunner
Secondary Military Specialty: Armored vehicle driver
Birthplace: New Orleans, LA
Grade: E-6
S/N: 42-J329-87C
Cueball was a math genius from the age of 4. He excelled in complex trigonometry and calculus and won numerous awards and competitions. But his true love was pool. Using his knowledge of mathematics he can calculate the precise angle and amount of effort needed to sink any shot. It was only a matter of time before his reputation got around and he was approached by promoters to join the professional billiards tour. But Cueball had other plans. After college he enlisted in the Army where his talents were put to use in the seat of an anti-aircraft cannon. It wasn't long before he had broken several records for accuracy and needing a new challenge put in for a transfer to the armored division. Turns out hitting a target from a moving platform was just as easy for Cueball as it was from a fixed position. His talents landed him in the sights of General Hawk who was recruiting for the G.I. Joe team. In the drivers seat of an Armadillo Tank, Cueball has no equal. He can target and destroy a HISS Tank moving across a smoky battlefield moving at 40+mph as easy as hitting the broadside of a barn and lock on and shoot down a Rattler while moving evasively avoiding incoming fire.
Steeler: "You'd think Cueball got his name from his lack of hair. Turns out he's been bald since he was 7, rare genetic defect that caused premature hair loss. But that's not the reason for his name. He's a mean pool shark and not one you want to take lightly, even if he offers to play you with one hand tied behind his back. He's just that good."
Head: Broken Arrow Toys
Body: 25th Crankcase
Knife: unknown