Mercer (not shown) is just some Jakk's wrestler's head on a Viper body, with some coloring and tweaking done.
Taurus is a repainted Sabretooth with Serpentor head and sculpted beard/moustache:
P5080043.JPG [ 113.5 KiB | Viewed 492 times ]
Red Dog is a Bazooka body (only just started on the painting, so the arms are quite blotchy) with a fully custom-sculpted head (still need to paint the eyes):
RedDog.jpg [ 138.05 KiB | Viewed 494 times ]
Based off Red Dog's bio, I figured he was a bit of a bruiser/street brawler, and maybe amateur/semi-pro boxer, so he has one severe cauliflower ear, with the other being slightly deformed.