Luftshutze wrote:
Is the film rated R?
Nope. PG-13.
Which would normally annoy me (that they take an "R" rated series and "tone" it down to a PG-13, ala AvP or Live Free or Die Hard) but honestly, if you remove most of the harsh language from the first 3 films, there really isn't much material left that would make an "R" rating nessecary. Plus now a days you can get away with a lot more harsh language, and still get a PG-13 rating. There just won't be f-bombs in every other sentence. And let's face it, it's not like John Connor was
known for his colorful language, such as John McClane.
The Terminator movies were never super graphic with the violence either, such as an Alien or Predator movie. About the worst they did was Arnold removing his damaged eye in the first one. And with that (and the skin removal off his arm in the second one) it was all happening to a robot, not a human. After seeing what they did with TwoFace in The Dark Knight, and still maintained a PG-13 rating, I don't see where anything would really need to toned down in the Terminator series (language aside), to receive a PG-13 rating. It also helps that the director specifically stated that they did not "go for" a PG-13 rating. They just made the movie, and were given the rating.
So I will reserve judgment (no pun intended), until I actaully see the movie, this time.
"Now I am somewhere I am not supposed to be,
and I can see things I never really should've seen,
and now I know why, and now I know why...
things aren't as pretty... on the inside"