Why the hell do people keep saying that moron should be playing Stalker instead of Ripcord? The character he's portraying in this movie is NOTHING like the original Ripcord OR Stalker so it would be inappropriate either. And god forbid the "connection" between the actor and the character of Lonzo Wilkinson is coming solely from the mustache and ethnicity because that is just stupid reasoning. If they HAD to rewrite an airborne Joe to pretend the movie character was a special ops Army NCO who wanted to fly jets (
) then they could have just picked Static Line (just change "Weems" to "Baducci" and it would have been okay!) or any of the other equally useless Sky Patrol guys.
Frankly putting a Wayans in this thing was wrong in the first place and that would be true whether he was playing Recoil, Law, Alpine, Wetsuit, Rumbler, Sub Zero, OR Ripcord.
alleyviperelite wrote:
past nastification wrote:
The two characters that most push me in this direction are the new Breaker and Marlon Wayons' Ripcord (why isn't he Stalker?).
Doesn't explain why he's Ripcord but does explain why he's not Stalker.