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 Post subject: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:25 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Western Kentucky
hey guys

Just a brief restating of our old stuff, :)

I'll be making Segnett post his stuff very soon, :)

Here we go with the original post.


Major Bludd, by far an LBC with a tiny bit of paint and dye.  I was going to paint his wrist guards to match the black out legs(which were inked) but with all the chipping, I decided to pass.  I strayed from the missile pistol and went with UZI's, :) Parts: Blacout legs, surefire torso and arms, bludd head.


Big Boa.  He was a huge favorite of mine as a child, I'm glad Rocky never came to GIJoe, he'd have gotten his butt kicked in my living room.  Besides, with the sarge to fight, who needs Sly?  Parts: CORPS torso and arms, big boa head, and Croc Master V2 legs(finally, a use).


The Crimson Guard, first off, I really like the DTC guys, but I wanted to make my own to go with them.  I couldn't find any better arms than the red bat.  I know, they look a bit robotic, but that fits for the "Conrad" Series of CG, :)  Parts: Claw Commander torso and legs, Duke head, Bat arms(with some glue).


So I like Hawkeye and I like Cobra, and when I first started thinking of customizing, I wanted some "Golden Vipers" basically CC's main bad guys.  The only ideas that remained(though changed) were my alternate joeverse Blackout, Viper: Troy, and of course, Sanction.  So while I may not have my hawkeye clone(which I want to be Clint Barton in my verse)written in, I still like the simplistic figure.  Parts: RazorViper Torso(err?), Duke arms, and Link legs.


So, when I played Star Wars Online, I had a female avatar.  Somehow this made sense at the time.  Well, when Segnett and I teamed up to write some SW fluff, we chose to create our own little company/alliance, we chose the name Segnar.  Basically, Segnett was a bounty hunter, Narcerus a swoop racer, and together they formed a small engineering firm which specialized in refits for the empire, for instance, refitting the nightfalcon(speeder bike) to fly in Artic(can you say Hoth) conditions, hehe, :)  And her head fell off and can not be reattached easily, but otherwise, she is done, :) Part: Aura Sing head, VvV Scarlett body, :)


I really think Cobra should spend some time recruiting operators for other areas, well, other than the surrender monkey blueshirts, :0  This guy is my idea of what Cobra would look for in a desert/Middle eastern Operative, :)  Basically a lone warrior that can cause mischief with his sniper rifle, :)  I was going to equip him with some other sabotage gear, but didn't want to break the PC rule, :) I really didn't get a good feeling on the hat, but it sat on his head so long, I just couldn't change it, LOL.  Parts: Gung Ho torso, Barrel Roll arms, Grunt legs, zartan head.


Remiel, my liason to the COBRA team, he's been posted before and the only change is some minor painting to match up his jacket a bit better, :)


The ole SAW viper, :)  I have had him 90% done for a while, but decided to change his head to make him a more individualistic type, instead of just another Sanction, lol.  For some reason, I like the Goatee, not sure where I got the head, but I did not paint it, :) Parts: Redspot with a different head and a casted helmet.


Segnett.  Hmm, since hearing about the Sanction customs on this board, Seg has been very jealous, Spectre making a Segnett custom helped, but I thought I'd try my hand as well.  In my opinion, Segnar would be a great front company for MARS, basically operating in the US and covertly supplying arms, maybe not to the regular cobra forces, but perhaps to the noks.  Therefore, he's been labeled the MARS rep to the Noks, which considering how tricky and untrustworthy he is (LOL), is a good match.  I'm not sold on the coat, I like it, but I wanted to keep the grey and black going from his uniform, so I didn't paint the inside, hoping it would match up a bit, :)  Parts: Firefly head, Snake Eyes torso, CC arms, Firefly legs, Han Solo Coat.


The Sarge.  I gotta admit, I always liked the character.  This one has been sitting for months and months.  I even took him to the DethCon, and still couldn't get any motivation to finish him.  I'm really happy to have done him though, Big Boa needs a buddy and I managed to pick up a rasslin ring during the last GP, so a showdown is mandatory, I think, :0  If only chipping weren't the main enemy, lol.  I really like the groin protector and shin guards, I didn't do as good a job on the arm coverups, :(  Parts: Head and Torso of Slaughter, Arms of Gnawghahide, Taurus' middle and Coil Crusher's Legs.


These guys have really suffered some setbacks.  First, it took a long time to get the original parts, then I destroyed them all in a DYE accident, forcing me to replace the torsos and madly modify the legs(green stuff patches), And after all that, I lost their heads for a while.  Basically, I knew I needed vipers, the big headed ones, but there was no way I was gonna try and army build them, LOL, so I went with the next best thing, customs, :)  Pretty much happy with them, the paint will not stay attached, even thought they are primered, :)  But they do look pretty on the shelf, :)  Parts: Casted Viper heads, surefire torso and arms, Duke Legs.


Hulk Hogan wrote:
So Beav is Narceron?

Chief wrote:
Now, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here in the forums, but I have this intense hatred of short people.*

Last edited by narceron on Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Narceron tromps Segnett Round 1 and 2, repost in progress
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:58 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Ga.
they all look awesome man gj on them my favs are the vipers and big boa

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 Post subject: Re: Narceron tromps Segnett Round 1 and 2, repost in progress
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:04 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
VERY nice set of customs!! Major bludd looks great! :-D


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 Post subject: Round 2, five months later, June 2007!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:46 pm 
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Segnett and I had planned to have 3 or 4 of our challenges a year, but that might be more like 2 with the way Segnett manages to get pictures online, :)

Anyway, here we go with my half of the challenge, :)

So first off, Black Ice, I really liked this north of the boarder bad guy, but didn't want to copy him verbatim. I changed out the head and did a little drybrushing, I think he's just as much fun as the other, darker version, :)


And here he is with Shortwave, Cobra Field Communications Expert:


Speaking of Shortwave, I'm really happy at how he turned out. I wanted a comms guy for my new viper units and wanted him to look similar to the old televipers without replacing my newsculpt guys, I think it worked out ok:


Next up is my NOVA viper team(Night Operations Vehicle Assault), these guys will get more attention once I post their vehicles, suffice to say they will be using all the little vehicles that have come out in the last few years, :) Here they are with another version of Black Ice, this time in his regular fatigues:


And alone:


Next, another figure long in the works. This one dates back to my earliest days at Joecustoms, during the animal handlers GP. I found my animal very quickly, and most of my handler, but never liked his legs, finally, I just went with the tried and true Gung Ho legs, I'm very pleased with him. I call him Coldsnap and my wife calls the bear Simon, ;) He's basically the JOE team's answer to Black Ice until I make my own Joe Canuck figure, lol.




Next, another figure I'll never see outside of custom form, Munitia. I really liked the figure Hasbro showed off, but well, I didn't get one, so I had to make my own. To be honest, she's a butterface. I really like her, but her face, LOL. Well, anyway, she'll probably get a headswap at some point in the future:





Just a little WIP filecard for when I submit her, :)


Another fun character, the fridge. This guy might go two ways in my verse, he is definitely the fridge, but he might also get to be Pluv in the often promised JC High that Seg and I are working on.



Here he is capping Viper: Troy,


Viper Troy, my very first attempt at a custom from way back when I first built a Cobra Consulate, well, he's finally been rebuilt and here he is:



Now, for more Sanction, first a what if Sanction was in the CORPS:



Now, as infantry leader:



Finally, I saw a similar custom over at Commando Customs a little while back, so I stole it, changed the arms and head and here is Commando Sanction, LOL,


and finally, a custom I actually like, Mandalore. I don't know why, but this one seems to have really worked out for me, :)




So, I think I got Segnett on this one, hehe. To drive it home, here is Shadowstrike taking out Ninja Force Sanction(don't ask):


And just for Segnett, here is the workdesk, :)


Well, thats all for now, heres Ninja Force Sanction, Viper: Jestyr, and Fat Mirage saying Adios!


Hulk Hogan wrote:
So Beav is Narceron?

Chief wrote:
Now, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here in the forums, but I have this intense hatred of short people.*

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:52 pm 
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Code Name: Speed Bump

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Nice customs Narc. You should post a group shot of Sanction in all his various outfits. You're up to like what, a dozen versions now?

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:17 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: blasdell, NY
you got some cool custom there nice job on all of them.


O RING 4 LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:51 pm 
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Viper wrote:
Nice customs Narc. You should post a group shot of Sanction in all his various outfits. You're up to like what, a dozen versions now?

Thanks to guys like you and Spectre, yeah, just about a dozen, :)

Hulk Hogan wrote:
So Beav is Narceron?

Chief wrote:
Now, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here in the forums, but I have this intense hatred of short people.*

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:42 am 
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Location: Western Kentucky
At this point, Segnett has conceded breathing, lol.

so I'll just post a link to my stuff, so please let me know, :)

I'll start writing them up when ole seg starts posting, :)

Hulk Hogan wrote:
So Beav is Narceron?

Chief wrote:
Now, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here in the forums, but I have this intense hatred of short people.*

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:05 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Yo man, that Cobra Fett looks pretty cool!
Are all th3ee of those fig's part of a team? ( dont tell me for an answer I have to wait for seg. to
Looks good

D. double T.X.

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:06 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: The Black Hole of Toydom
What is the hat from the Sanction, Viper: Jestyr, and Fat Mirage pic?

I saw the hat and thought of a Dreadnok in a bowler for my, well, you know...the Dreadnok Army.:D

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:18 pm 
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Formerly Levantine

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Narc, the whole split personality thing isn't healthy. Especially when you start competing with your other personalities. Seek help.


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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:53 pm 
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Lev, come on man, the only thing I need help with is getting segnett off is arse and posting his stuff, lol.

TUNK, the guys are going to be in mandalore's clan, basically he is taking guys from the normal cobra army and training them up to be his elite team, kind of like firefly did, I think.

DJ< that hat is a PTE figure's head, dremeled out for used as a hat. Might seem hannibal lecter like, but it works suprisingly well.

Hulk Hogan wrote:
So Beav is Narceron?

Chief wrote:
Now, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here in the forums, but I have this intense hatred of short people.*

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:05 am 
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narceron wrote:
DJ< that hat is a PTE figure's head, dremeled out for used as a hat. Might seem hannibal lecter like, but it works suprisingly well.

Hmmm, I have a few of those heads too. The bowler hat might work for one of my older ex-Black Widows who joined the 'Noks...

Have you you heard about the serial killers that preys on people that read passages from books?

His name is Hannibal Lectern.

Or preys on professional speakers?

Hannibal Lecture.

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:42 pm 
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Beav locked Segnett out, :)

Hulk Hogan wrote:
So Beav is Narceron?

Chief wrote:
Now, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here in the forums, but I have this intense hatred of short people.*

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 Post subject: Re: Segnett vs. Narceron, Round 2 posted
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:26 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
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I haven't posted a custom in five months, yikes!

Hulk Hogan wrote:
So Beav is Narceron?

Chief wrote:
Now, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here in the forums, but I have this intense hatred of short people.*

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