The Jade Dragons are one of the fierce pirate clans that terrorize the 23 seas of Aquos. Lead by the Pirate Lord X'anoi X'an aboard his flagship Jade Dragon, they are responsible for some of the most devestating pirate attacks in the planet's history!
Feng X'an is the younger brother of X'anoi X'an and helmsman of the Jade Dragon.
Whole figure/sword- Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End deluxe Seo Feng (modded)
Feet- unknown Star Wars figure
Hat- Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End deluxe Elizabeth Swann
Blaster- ROTS Sneak Preview General Grevious
Notes- Virtually the entire figure was repainted as the one I bought had a particularly shoddy factory paint job
Minn Mae and Lynn W'ong are twin sisters that serve as both concubines and bodyguards to X'anoi X'an. Do not let them fool you, they are as deadly as they are beautiful!
Minn Mae W'ong:
Entire figure- Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End deluxe Elizabeth Swann
Topknot- POTJ Aura Sing
Chakram- Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End deluxe Seo Feng
Lynn W'ong:
Entire figure- Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End deluxe Elizabeth Swann
Braid- unknown
Chakram- Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End deluxe Seo Feng
Jade Dragon Warriors are the heavily armed and armored members of the Jade Dragon pirate clan. Carrying blasters and assorted bladed weapons (both vibro and old fashioned non-powered), they are ruthless fighters and the scourge of the 23 seas!
Jade Dragon Warrior (typical):
Whole figures/swords: Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End Tae Huan (modded)
Feet- Saga Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Blasters- custom
Pikes- G.I.Joe "Ninja Battles" playset accessories
I made 6 of them for this project.
Their blasters are custom made to look both sci-fi and pirate-ish at the same time:
2 years ago when I was initially developing "Deep Sea Danger!" I knew I wanted to have an "Asian" (Asian is in quotes because they are not really Asian, they are from another planet and just happen to resemble Asians just like Han/Luke/etc. just happen to resemble caucasians) pirate clan, but was at a loss as to how I would achieve it with so few realistically designed Asian action figures available in 1/18 scale. This past spring when the "Pirates Of The Caribbean: At Worl's End" figures hit the shelves my concerns evaporated as not only did I now have access to a couple of new Asian headsculpts, but the figures offered almost perfectly matched my visions of the characters I had designed! Aside from their sandled or bare feet, the POTC:AWE figures very closely matched what I wanted to do so minimal modifications were needed to achieve my goals. Finding 6 pairs of matching boots for the Jade Dragon Warriors was not easy though
There are more Jade Dragons on the way (as well as the Jade Dragon itself!), made from a variety of different source figures, but I thought I'd share the ones I already finished with you now.