The Robot Rebellion has Begun…Half-human and half-machine, Overkill is the ambitious leader of the Cobra B.A.T. army. He has covertly been plotting to destroy Cobra Commander and to lead his legions of Battle Android Troopers to World domination. Sensing that the right moment has arrived, Overkill’s troops turn on their human masters and take over all of Cobra’s B.A.T. factories around the World. From these staging points, they strike at several nations simultaneously. Unprepared for an all-out assault by legions of robot troopers, the military forces of these nations fall quickly. Now, controlling vast industrial resources, Overkill turns his attention to destroying Cobra and G.I. Joe…
About this project:These will be the last figures for this project for a little while. I fully intend to continue to add to the series. I have some ideas for a Joe ''BAT Buster Squad'' and of course, more types of BATs.
In the meantime, Major Bludd is loosely based on his DTC version: DTC version is probably my favorite take on the good Major. I wasn't going for a direct copy, but I tried to capture the flavor of the DTC version.
As for Mindbender, he is directly based on the cancelled 1995 Battle Corps version: ... nder.shtmlI figured that a battle armored version of Mindbender would fit right in the Robot Rebellion theme.
The last pic is the group shot of the Robot Rebellion Cobra Command. I have ideas for Destro and Baroness and have started working on Storm Shadow. So, more will be coming soon.