My wife wanted me to make a custom of her... she's not really
into Joes either, so this is cool. I used a RoC Covert Scarlett
body and a Superhero Showdown Invisible Girl head, with
the sculpt to get rid of the silly grin and add some hair bangs.
And now we present "The Mrs.":
Primary Military Specialty: Special Drill Instructor
Secondary Military Specialty: Intelligence
Bio: Renowned for her quick thinking and fast wit, "The Mrs"
strikes terror into the hearts of both Joes and Cobra alike.
Once a civilian advisor, she was working as an independent
contractor for the Joes until Hawk offered her a full-time
position on the team as Special Drill Instructor.
The Mrs. tends to get the cases that even Sgt. Slaughter
won't touch. After literally whipping them into shape, she
holds discipline with a strict regimen of diet and exercise,
which accounts for her incredible physique (a weapon she
also uses against anyone who'd cross her).
Gung Ho says, "She's the only woman I'm more afraid of
than my Grandma!"
_________________"Happiness is a box full of good fodder."