Really, as they were marketed, I don't find any of them too useful for an Army unit, except a couple.
BF2000: The premise is somewhat useful and realistic: testing new gear under actual wartime conditions.
Slaughters marauders: cool vehicles, but as a unit they served no purpose!
Night Force: Useful specialty, but I'm pretty sure even regular soldiers are trained to fight at night.
Eco Warriors: No real-world analogue. Armed forces usually destroy any environment they are in, even in peace time.
Tiger Force: Yeah, these guys were named after a unit that committed numerous war crimes and atrocities in Vietnam. Smooth move, Hasbro.
Drug Elimination Force: Our armed forces should NOT be engaged in this, plain and simple. For
so many reasons, but I won't go into politics.
Mega Marines: Worst of the lot!
Star Brigade: A little too Sci-Fi for my tastes.
Ninja Force: A little too many ninjas for my tastes.
Sky Patrol: The Winner!! I used them as a dedicated CSAR (Combat Search & Rescue) team. When other Joes were injured/trapped/lost behind enemy lines, Sky Patrol would parachute in and get them out safe!
O-ring is better. There. I said it.