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Which Cobra Sub team is the most Useful?
Cobra Star Brigade 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Python Patrol 12%  12%  [ 6 ]
Cobra Plague Troopers 10%  10%  [ 5 ]
Dreadnoks 29%  29%  [ 15 ]
Eco-Terrorists (Eco-Warriors) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Cobra Sky Patrol 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Cobra Ninja Force 6%  6%  [ 3 ]
Mega Monsters 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Battle Android Troopers 12%  12%  [ 6 ]
HeadHunters 16%  16%  [ 8 ]
Strike Team - Urban Division 12%  12%  [ 6 ]
Total votes : 51
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 Post subject: Which Cobra sub team is the most useful?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:01 pm 
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Snake Staked

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Melrose, Massachusetts
Again, Borrowed from Lt. Storm from JBL.

Which Cobra sub team would be the most useful and practical in real life? Not nessisarily the toys, but how do /would they function in real life, or in your Joeverse?

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 Post subject: Re: Which Cobra sub team is the most useful?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:09 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
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Dreadnoks at 100%


I gotta go with the Dreadnoks because Cobra needs troops that will cause excessive chaos, anarchy, and senseless destruction that is separate from the main military body.

It seems there are always small groups of troops (Dirty Dozen, etc) of troops that are really good at guerrilla tactics. The Dreadnoks are perfect for that. They are also perfect for missions where items need transported across lines or other 'civilian' type operations where a HISS squadron wouldn't work.

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 Post subject: Re: Which Cobra sub team is the most useful?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:12 pm 
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Snake Staked

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Melrose, Massachusetts
my choices:

people forget that Python patrol wasn't cool colored vehicles and uniforms, but they were INVISIBLE TO RADAR, INFRA RED AND OTHER SCANNING METHODS.
perfect for a terrorist organization for sneaking past borders....


With all the focus on foreign terrorism and the middle east, people seem to be ignoring the DOMESTIC terrorism in the U.S. for every one Shoe Bomber, there are 1000 gang and drug related acts of violence in almost every city. Imagine if Cobra had a finger or influence in every drug deal, every Biker gang, every street gang in America? They would have the means to create the exact kind of chaos and anarchy they would need to destabilize the government...


Basically, Cobra's answer to whatever Specialized unit the Joes can throw at them. Also the perfect group to break out criminals, infiltrate bases and military installations.


For all the reasons why the Joes Wouldn't need a Ninja force, Cobra would DEFINITELY need them. Personal assassins, infiltrators, Saboteurs, Bodyguards, and all around troublemakers.

Cobra Star Brigade: would only work if anyone else was up there as well.... otherwise the only thing to do is steal satellites and drop explosives on people....

Cobra Monsters: Would cause so much attention to them that everyone in the world would unite to stop them... exactly what Cobra Doesn't want.

Urban Assault force
What could they accomplish that seasons street gang members armed with Assault weapons couldn't?

He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.
- Sir William Drummond
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought, without accepting it.
- Aristotle."

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 Post subject: Re: Which Cobra sub team is the most useful?
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:31 pm 
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Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:53 am
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Like with the Joe sub-teams, I find most of these to be superfluous. The Dreadnoks have potential, for reasons Kingofpain cited.

I think the Headhunters would be the most useful though, as they would bring lots of money into Cobra's war fund. Didn't the CIA supposedly sell crack to our own citizens to fund some terrorists in South America back in the late 80s? I remember something like this making headlines a while back.

Plus, both the Headhunters and Storm Troopers look totally badass!

O-ring is better. There. I said it.

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 Post subject: Re: Which Cobra sub team is the most useful?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:04 am 
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Doctor of Tea-baganomics
Doctor of Tea-baganomics

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I guess the Dreds, but they are just a gang. Sorry, if Cobra wanted a gang to distract the Joes there are plenty more that are more deadly and are run a lot better.

Thusly, I voted Ninja Force.

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 Post subject: Re: Which Cobra sub team is the most useful?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:27 am 

Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:43 pm
Headhunters were never meant to be part of Cobra, and never should've been.

Dreadnoks are affiliated with Cobra entirely due to Zartan's influence, I'd think that in most ways they are opposite of what Cobra wants from its troops.

There's no Cobra Sky Patrol except two hard to get Brazillian figures. So to me, there's no Cobra Sky Patrol.

Eco-terrorists wouldn't be that useful.

Mega Monsters seem more like an experiment than an often used team.

Plague Troopers, with only 3 figures made, the concept never gelled with me. And anyway, Cobra has elite units galore, so the idea of a Cobra take on the "Joe team" seem gratuitous.

BAT's really aren't a subgroup to me. Reminds me, why isn't Night Watch a choice?

Urban-Strike, I voted this one, but with legions of alley vipers, why is this a unit? If Alley Vipers didn't exist already, I'd get the idea.

Python Patrol, I chose them. Applying radar blocking tech to various troops rather than create a whole new unit with new vehicles is more logical than creating another new elite trooper type, because those python patrol missions still need communications, anti-tank troopers and such.

I voted Ninja Force, too. I never liked the figures due to the spring-action. And there's all those ninjas and ninja factions, someone need to organize them.

Star Brigade, I chose them because super villains often muck about in space stuff, Cobra would be no exception.

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 Post subject: Re: Which Cobra sub team is the most useful?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:28 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
I went with PYTHON PATROL first of all, because they have an actual and very interesting special function -- the radar-invisibility. Python Patrol is also distinctive to Cobra.

I chose the DREADNOKS as well because -- well, I just get a kick out of them. I'm not sure how "useful" they are, and they're not necessarily specifically linked to Cobra, but, what the heck. Comedy relief can be useful. :)

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 Post subject: Re: Which Cobra sub team is the most useful?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:26 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:01 am
I'd go with the Dreadnoks, I never envisioned them as "bad ass dude's who fight the army!" but rather guys who can be used by Cobra to stir up trouble in developing countries, smuggle guns or just have 'em destroy property, kill police officers and "LASER BLAST" teenagers!

psychoviper wrote:
I think the Headhunters would be the most useful though, as they would bring lots of money into Cobra's war fund. Didn't the CIA supposedly sell crack to our own citizens to fund some terrorists in South America back in the late 80s? I remember something like this making headlines a while back.

There was no "supposedly" The CIA needed to fund death squads and Junta's all over South and Central America, so you buy or trade guns to the Contra's for some cocaine turn that into crack and sell to poor people use the money to purchase guns to sell to Iran (who's at war with the guys your selling guns to already!) and you've got both the Prison and Military Industrial Complexes at work!

They didn't do as good a job as they did during 'Nam when the CIA was trafficking smack and funding secret wars in Laos

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