What made me decide to get the Tiger Snake was finding a use for the "Street-Viper" body... namely as a non-Joe body for Zartan. Threw on Pilot Destro's scarf as a callback to his classic predecessor's hood. Once I manage to find a Desert Joes 5-pack online at a price I find reasonable (bloody unlikely), I'll replace his blond head with the more accurate dark brown haired head.
As for the Street-Viper, the Tiger Snake, that go-kart from hell, was so neat it needed a proper Street-Viper to drive it. I decided to use a base that reminds me of a racer's jumpsuit, namely HOH Firefly's. On top of that came a MARS Trooper's vest (with little belt near the neck cut off so it'd fit) and pulse pistol, a ROC Para-Viper helmet and an Eel's knife (because I didn't have any spare knives that go with the Snake-Eyes leg sheath).
Simple customs, I know, but I'm really pleased with how both of them came out.
You're far too young to be this bitter and angry at the world....