So here is something I realized the other day...
I refused to buy the new Star Wars AT-ST at full price, and was even a little gun-shy at $22. I refused to pay full price for the Marvel Universe Giant Battles packs, and still won't at $13. I wouldn't pay $30 for the new Star Wars Dewback, and was hesitant at $15.
All of those thing are things that I wanted, and things that interest me. Yet the prices, kept me from running right out and buying them.
Now I look at the current custom figure I am working on, and I just added up that I have spent over $50 making this one figure, and he isn't even finished yet!
I wouldn't pay $45 for the kick-ass, big, new, AT-ST. With driver. Sometimes I have a hard time justifying $8-$10 for a new figure, that I want (just passed on the new Luke in Snowspeeder outfit the other day because of price) But I have spent more than $50 to make one figure.
I guess perspective
is everything...
Anyone else ever notice something like this?
"Now I am somewhere I am not supposed to be,
and I can see things I never really should've seen,
and now I know why, and now I know why...
things aren't as pretty... on the inside"