Got the itch to make a Hercules after reading a bunch of "Incredible Hercules" comics online and watching a History Channel show about Herc the other night. Just one problem -- I never really liked the way Marvel portrayed Herc. He was always the drunkard, the brawler, the simpleton -- basically comic relief. But then again, the Hercules/Herakles of myth was a drunkard and a murderer, so even the original source material isn't exactly ideal.
I decided to go my own route - borrowing different elements from various depictions of Herc. Honestly, the way he was portrayed in the 1983 flick with Lou Ferrigno (you should watch it - it's so horrible that it's cool) was my first real exposure to the character, and despite the "LASER BLAST" movie, I liked him as a pure hero - not the town joke.
Anyway, for his look, I ditched the Marvel S&M leggings and headband and went with a Steve Reeves-ish look (but with pants!) Tell me what you think:
Body: MU Warpath
Hands/wristbands: MU Thor
Head: BnB Chris Jericho
Sword: DTC Hannibal/Serpentor
Shield: DCU 6" Hawkman
Belt: MU Hawkeye
Then I went and fixed my MLS Thor -- I gave him MU Thor's cape (the only good thing about that figure) and painted his leg wrappings to be more comic accurate -- I think he's pretty much done (until I make a cloth cape for him.)
So after reading so many Hulk comics, I decided to finally make a Rick Jones -
He's a Logan fig with a SW pilot head.
Then after snagging a couple extra Hawkeye sets, I figured I'd give my Black Knight some proper boots:
And finally, there's this guy:
MU Rulk head on a Movie Hulk body. The gun is a ROC lolhuge cannon -- knew I'd find some use for those things
Anyway, that's all for now - the rest will probably have to wait until NJC #50