I figured I had better post these since joemichaels70 posted his work from the Con customizing class I figured I had better too. I made to customs in a matching urban camo to give to my wife. The first figure (male) took me about 4 1/2 hours to do, the second one took me about 2. The gray paint is custom mixed becuse we were limmited on our color choices. The white is a gloss, which I didn't care for but hey, whatcha gonna do.
No real bios for the either of them yet.
Head: TRU Grunt, sanded down to look like a ball cap.
Torso, Upper Arms, and Legs: Pitt Trooper
Knees: Para-Viper
Forearms: Tiger Force Duke
Kevlar Vest: ROC Eel with the neck cut down
XM-8: ROC Flash
Pistol: ROC Dessert Ambush Duke
I even tried to paint a little in-and-out hat on him.
Head: Pitt Attack Baroness
Torso, Arms, and Left Thigh: Cover Girl
Right Thigh: Cobra Diver
Legs: TRU ROC Reaper or Footloose
AUG: The Doctor
Uzi: Snake Eyes of some kind?
Pistol: Glock of some kind cut down to fit in the holster
I really wanted to use a Helix head, and there was one, but a whole mess of parts went missing while we were at lunch and the head went with it.
All and all I'm pretty please with how these came out since I was a little under the gun time wise on them.
Check out my new website,
http://troymckie.com Come see the "What I'm Working On" posts every Thursday.