Haven't come up with a name, but that's not what's important
Head: Interrogator (2010 Convention)
Body: General Mayhem (2005 Convention)
cobra-int-mayhem01.jpg [ 28.6 KiB | Viewed 380 times ]
Instead of putting his head and helmet on a v1 Interrogator body (which was the original plan before realizing that I didn't have an extra v1 Interrogator
) I decided that I could use Interrogator's new & unique head for one figure and just slap the helmet on some other head (once I get an extra v1 Interrogator
I looked at General Mayhem and Vapor as good matches for the gray on the neck. But as I was about to shave down the neck ball a bit, I noticed how easily the gray paint came off. So I did what for me (Mr. LBC) is about as much customizing as I do... I stripped off the gray. Even without the gray, I stuck with the Mayhem body. Doesn't look too bad. Head is a bit loose, but that can be adjusted. Also, the head doesn't look too small on the body like it does on the Con fig