Ice Ghost
After the destruction of the Cobra installation under the polar ice pack General Hawk felt it necessary to leave a covert watch in the area. A remote recon station would be manned by a single operative code named Ice Ghost. Ice Ghost was born Anders Poulsen and grew up in Thule, Greenland. He learned many arctic survival techniques from his Inuit grandfather and later enlisted in Island Command Greenland’s Sirius Sledge Patrol. Ice Ghost is known as a man of infinite patience. Cold and loneliness do not seem to affect him.
This was really a parts clear-out figure as I had no idea what to do with this leftover arctic fashion Snake Eyes body. I found the Tri-gate head in my parts bin and thought “Hey… this’ll work!” The holster is one of my designs from Hunter Artworks.
This is Ferret as he would fit into my universe. The D.E.M.O.N.s are not well armored so it is necessary for Ferrets to wear full IG body armor. I felt he would need a side arm and as a driver would not have a hip or leg mounted holster. The head is a Hunter Artworks cast.