I posted my 'fix' for the Comic Pack Mara a bit ago, but I still wasn't completely happy with the figure. Mara's my favorite Star Wars EU character, so I wanted to get this one right. I'm pretty happy with the results. I based the custom mainly on this costume design
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Ma ... _NEGTC.jpg and
http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images ... rifice.jpg . The custom is super articulated and fully poseable. The hardest part was dremelling down the Baroness legs to get the pattern on her pants right.
Mara Jade
Head: Covergirl v2 w/ bombstrike neck modified w/ neckball
Torso: Bombstrike
Waist: Covergirl v2
Legs: VvV Baroness (heavily modified)
Feet: VOTC Tatooine Luke
Arms: VOTC Tatooine Luke
Hands: Comic pack Mara Jade figure
Belt: VvV Jinx skirt trimmed down
Scarf: Walmart Exclusive Aurra Sing scarf (trimmed)
Goggles: Blackout
Gun: Comic pack Mara Jade
Saber: Comic pack Mara Jade w/ blue blade