Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (WIP)Not much of an update. I simply removed the unwanted stickers on Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (BSB).
For the most part, Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) is virtually complete. The only pending additions are:
1) exhaust pipe(s); most likely 1 exhaust pipe
2) battle damage, scratches, & tears on bike and buzz saw wheel
3) red detailing on one side of handlebars
4) "SLICK" decal on one side of BSB
5) "Self Destructs in 3012" decal
6) securing the extra rear wheels
7) slightly truncating the rear mudguards
8) new paintjob
I wish I could photoshop potential paintjobs for Sligs' BSB. Nevertheless, I drew this sketch and I will be experimenting with different color schemes until I find the most befitting.
In other news, I'm gonna have to transfer all my pictures from into photobucket because the former has become rather problematic. Pictures from suddenly disappear without warning. Photobucket never lets me down.
Creator of World's Best Dwarf Hamster City: HAMHATTAN!