Here is my take on Blizzard in the latest incarnation of Joe, "Pursuit of Cobra" style. This is my first attempt at painting a white uniform, and while it was over white parts, it did include different shades and camo being covered up... it is a pain! Anyway, let me know what you think...
Parts List:
Body, arms: ROC Arctic Snake-Eyes
Gloves, parka: POC Snow-Job
Legs, rifle, snow-board, backpack: ROC Arctic Duke (unreleased)
Head: 25th Green Shirt (TRU)
Helmet: random 25th figure w/ROC Arctic Snake-Eyes' visor
Next up, Wild Bill. First off, let me just say that I have never really liked any of the Wild Bill figures Hasbro has given us, and therefore have been working to make one that I feel captures the essence of the character. Here is what I came up with, let me know what you think.
Body, legs, upper arms, hat, pistols: 25th Wild Bill
Lower arms: combination of Green Shirt figure's sleeves and White Out's gloves
Vest: Indian Jones figure
Scarf: Young Indian Jones figure
Head: Broken Arrow