Picked up the Nanosuit 2.0 Jake "Nomad" Somethingsomethinglastname fig today. I was expecting to regret getting him, truth be told; and while I plan to parts him out for customs, I think he'll afford some really keen bits here and there. Since this is how I treat at least 80% of my stuff, please don't think I'm talking down about Nomad because of this.
While I think his proportions are kinda wonky (and even more so on Alcatraz, the Nanosuit 1.0 guy), he's otherwise a really nice fig. The only bad things I don't like are that his head is too small, and his abs and thighs too big. I gives him a really chunky look. It's this that causes me to want to parts him out, as the individual pieces of him are individually quite nice; they just don't come together in a heroic-proportioned fig as I'd prefer.
As to the good; his sculpting detail is *very* nicely done. Frankly, the CELL Trooper is somewhat softly molded, like ice cream that's been on the counter for a few minutes. But Nomad is sharper than a lot of the IM2 figs, which are pretty dang nice in their own right.
Nomad's built mostly like a Joe fig, differing only in the supra-bicep swivel and hinge elbow, the lack of a second knee joint, and the lack of the supra-ankle swivel. While I bet his torso internals are more like the IM2 figs, it adds up to more of a Joe fig homage due to the hips and 2-part, screw-together thighs.
He comes with a pistol, a quasi M-16, a new type of rifle, and a tripoded quasi M-60. There's better pistols in Joedom, but the other three weapons are pretty nice, esp the M-60 with the removable ammo box and the 2part tripod.
Here, look at some pics: