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 Post subject: Fred CXXVIII, Sherrif Lockdow, and The Salty Dogs!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:24 pm 
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Snake Staked

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Melrose, Massachusetts
Well every few weeks the fellas in Eastern Mass get together for a customizing party. here are a few results fromt he last one:


Fred CXXVII was a former Crimson Shadow Guard member before Cobra Commander was captured and Cobra destabilized. Refusing to surrender or quit, Fred CXXVIII began researching just how a global terrorist organization like CObra could be taken down all at once. He figured that there had to be inside help. SO he began hunting down and eliminating all disloyal or suspect members of Cobra, so when it rose again, it would be pure.

Trained in several martial arts and proficient in all American, Nato, and Warsaw Pact rifles and small arms, with additional training taken u by himself, his skills as a tracker, researcher, and fighter rivals that of Snake Eyes, Spirit, and Chuckles respectively.




Head: Spytroops Blowtorch (dremeled)

body: ROC doctor Rex


waist gear - Dino Chap mei figure
holsters - Spytroops Lady Jaye
grenades - 5 pack Snake eyes V2
boot knife - POC Beachhead
Gun - POC dusty
machete - random RAH Battle corps
backpack - Comic Pack 25th Gen. Hawk

Sheriff Lockdown

Sheriff Lockdown was a Texas Ranger , until he caught the eye of King of Pain, who had just been recruited y General Hawk to head security at the Pit IV. Lockdown single handedly stopped a group of Headhunters smuggling in pure Cocaine over the Texas/Mexico border. Kingofpain thought that this would be the perfect person to head ad oversee the Pitt's Security Detention area, as well as handle prison transfers. Lockdown immediately accepted the offer and joined G.I.Joe.



Head CHap mei Dino hunter (dremeled)
Body (upper torso/ arms) ROC Doctor Rex
Legs - ROC arctic Storm SHadow
Vest - Unknown STar wars figure
badge -Chap mei dino hunter
Shoulder Holster - Comic pack 25th General Hawk
waist holster - ROC General Hawk


The Salty Dogs are a bunch of former military veterans and Agents who banded together to help put a sop to the rising scourge of Somali Pirates.

Lt. Kevin Johnson formed the group after serving with the Arm Rangers in the Military action against the somali action in 1993 being relitively the youngest in the group, he strives to live up to the rest of the group's experience.

Sgt, Adam Buckley served in the army Inteligence, and went undrcover in Neo Nazi groups before Germany unifed, and was almost single handedly took the cell down. blending in perfectly with his "aryan" looks, he sucessfully infiltrated the organization, leaking info to army intelligence to a global network and even fount ties to another organization rumored to be called "cobra"

Martin Castanza was part of Project Widawake in the early 70's and did a lot of black ops in Laos and Viet Nam. a lot of his activities are still classified and to this day, he doesnt speak abotu them, especially the incident where he got that hasty scar on his face.

Richard Lebowski was one of the marines that actually participated in the bay of pigs debacle, and one of the few to get out alive. form there he was shipped overseas to Viet Nam by his superiors (hopefuly to die) yet he survived that as well. Given that he was re-recruited into black ops and participated in several undisclosed engagements in the Middle east in the mid 80's

Leslie Glunk was always the brainy kid in school, being too wimpy to join the military in the early 70's he got in the reserves as amry R & D, and began developing several new military technologies for the United States army. he came up with a method to communicate to all military worldwide using a wired collection of computers called a network.. but some aide named Gore stole his notes, and he never got to present it. later worked for a growing company called IBM for 20 years until a business boat cruise in the Mediterranean was hijacked by pirates. He then saved the life of one of the rescuers by firing on a pirate,a nd helped capture the pirate boat by hacking into their computer machinery and shutting it down remotely.

Reginald T. Barlow is the oldest of the group, having served in theNavy during the Korean war and several engagements in the southeast pre Viet nam war. He's the one who puts the Salt in Salty dogs. having no patience or mercy for the cowardly pirattes who plagues decent people he basicall kills pirates and spins tales of yesteryear while serving as the ships pilot and cook








heads - Broken arrow toys, Spytroops FLint and Blowtorch
Bodies - Spytroops Shipwrech (one with Ripper variant legs)
weapons - Random rah and Marauder John guns and laptop, Wild card's machete backpack
dog - spytroops Wide scope
Boat - Chap mei fats patrol boat.

He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.
- Sir William Drummond
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought, without accepting it.
- Aristotle."

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 Post subject: Re: Fred CXXVIII, Sherrif Lockdow, and The Salty Dogs!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:45 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:58 am
Location: Montreal, Canada
Great cast of characters KoP!

Chief - "Swivel elbows are a must. I don't trust any toy company that doesn't believe in swivel elbows."

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 Post subject: Re: Fred CXXVIII, Sherrif Lockdow, and The Salty Dogs!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:12 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Maryland
Fred works as is. Nothing needs to be changed.

Lockdown has a lot of potential, but the crotch not matching the legs and the dino badge just don't work. Match the pants and cover up the badge and you'll have a much better figure.

The Salty Dogs aren't bad. I like how the leader stands out. The painting on the heads looks good and adds character.


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 Post subject: Re: Fred CXXVIII, Sherrif Lockdow, and The Salty Dogs!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:41 pm 
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Thomas from Missourri

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am

I was thinking about using that Blowtorch head on a custom. Glad to see it'll be worth the effort.

Lockdown is cool inconcept, but I agree with pluv that it will look better with some additional attention.

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 Post subject: Re: Fred CXXVIII, Sherrif Lockdow, and The Salty Dogs!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:18 pm 
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Snake Staked

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Melrose, Massachusetts
thanks for the critiques guys! I guess Lockdown will go back under the brush. I think I will convert the dino badge to a police badge.

looking at the salts, something about the eyes looks incomplete..

He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.
- Sir William Drummond
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought, without accepting it.
- Aristotle."

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