J_Man wrote:
Yeah that too. I think the figure needs accessorizing a little better. Or rather outfitted I guess I should say. He has to leave some of his stuff at home since he has no place to carry it.
I don't think that need necessarily apply to an army builder figure, since you 're basically getting enough weapons and equipment to make several different characters.
GITrekker wrote:
Since I don't display my figures with their equipment usually, this isn't that big of a factor for me. I will say that the Shock Trooper certainly has plenty of equipment, and I'm impressed with the supply. I just wish he wasn't quite so -- slump-shouldered?
Just a guess, but this might be deliberate; 1/6th scale modern military figures often have somewhat giraffe-like necks and sloped shoulders to give the impression of proper proportion when all kitted out in their body armour. The same logic might apply here, since, as J_Man, commented, the figure looks all right with all his stuff on.
"All right movie, just keep telling yourself, you're trying to make us feel bad for Marlon Wayans! That's easier said than done. In fact, it's not even easily said."
~Nostalgia Critic.