Thoth Amon: High Priest of Set, Wizard Supreme of Stygia, Leader of the Wizards of the Black Ring
Head (both): Lanard ORCAS (cast)
Figure: MU Namor
Hands: Star wars comic pack Wedge Antilles
Feet: KotCS Ugha Warrior
Serpent Crown: cheap knock-off figure (cast)
Serpent staff: Upper: JvsC Cobra Commader, Lower: Ep2 Rep Been
Conan needs an arch-nemesis, right? Who better than the Stygian Wizard Thoth Amon who appeared in the original Howard stories and was expanded by Sprague de Camp and Carter.
This is my own interpretation of him, partly based on the descriptions in the books, partly on Egyptian priests, partly my own imagination.
When I started making him, I debated whether or not to leave him bare headed, but then I remebered a headpiece I got in a set of cheap figures and accessories from a Pound shop about six or seven years ago. I am a compulsive hoarder of accessories, so it took a little while to dig it out. I made a mold, cast it and fixed it onto one of the heads I had already done for him.
Then I started thinking about colours. Emerald and silver suddenly came to mind. Thoth Amon was head of the Serpent Cult in Stygia, and those are the house colours for Slytherin in Harry Potter. I could argue that Thoth Amon was the original Voldemort. They certainly share the same Gods and aims in life.
I also had a couple of the JvsC Cobra Commander staffs lurking in my 'swords and melee weapons' box. Just cut it down and attached it to Rep Been's staff.
You're never to old to have your Botty used as a Bongo.