zedhatch wrote:
I guess my main point is, Hasbro designs GI Joe for kids, Fine, but why is it they are targeting adults in thier marketing, I just don't get it. Shouldn't they be targeting that demographic that supposidly are the ones that are buying this stuff the most?
That's a big part of what they're getting wrong. They can't decide who their core/target audience really is and stick with it.
Let's discount comics for now (because that's really an adult collector niche) and look at what Hasbro's past (1980s) experiences would have indicated was the "winning combination" for the kid's market they keep saying they're trying to reach. That would be toy and toon (I'm purposely ignoring movies, too, because unless you've got a movie out every other year or some kind of toon tie-in, it's not a very sustainable toy market primer)
Sigma Six and Renegades were clearly designed to appeal to kids with modern anime-informed sensibilities. With the former, they got the toy/media timing almost right, but it didn't hit the way they wanted it to. Worse yet, it alienated a lot of their adult fanbase, so they weren't even getting the modest sales from us that they'd been able to count on in the past.
So did they refocus and try a new permutation for the kid audience? Not right away. Instead they swung back to their faithful yet modest adult collector audience and gave us what they thought we wanted cartoon-wise in Resolute. But the toy timing was way off and the toon was really a cursory effort. Despite those factors, the toys proved popular with our demographic. So Hasbro took some of the characters they'd planned to introduce, supplemented them with some LBCs and turned them into pricey Internet exclusives while refocusing attention on the kids.
We already covered how they flubbed toy/toon timing with Renegades. And apparently the show hasn't performed well for them with the kiddies. Ironically, the folks who will end up buying the toys are, again, the adult collectors...who would rather have the Kwinn and Data Viper that were bumped in favor of characters like Renegades Ripcord.
Adult collectors should be feeling like the fat girl that the unpopular teen keeps hooking up with while he's trying to figure out how to trick the pretty and popular girl into going out with him. Maybe we should adjust our expectations.
Meanwhile, here's a hint for that unpopular teen who keeps running back to us: She's not into you. No matter how many times you try to reinvent yourself, she's still going to see you for what you are and know you don't have anything in common. And your hooking up with me every time she rejects you isn't going to help you get in her pants.
But who knows. Maybe zombie vipers are the magic bullet that will wow both audiences and Hasbro can realize every unpopular teen boy's fantasy of having a threesome with the fat girl who loves him for what he could be and the pretty girl who doesn't know any better.
You know that's what the execs are hoping.