This is the letter I sent to their "Customer Service" email address.
Dear Sir.
Your site needs only work 1 day out of the year. Yet year after year,
its the same website that can't operate.
If you can't make your site work, maybe you need to improve your communication.
You have highly desirable items in the form of SDCC exclusives.
Many collectors will be trying to get these, if you don't clearly
provide instructions as to how many items are allowed per order, and
when the items will become available, you will continue to have
collectors barrage your site hoping to catch the exclusives. page makes me want to kill people....also the reason I get that
page isn't listed on it...the reason I get that page is because
hasbrotoyshop is incompetent.
Please explain how a Cart works. I understand when I go to Toys R
Us, if I put an item in my cart it will stay there until I decide to
put the item back, or check out. Why is it that I'm able to add an
item to my cart, but then when I finally get through to your checkout
page because your site is awful, the item I had in my cart is no
longer in stock and I have to reload the page to delete the item and
that sends me back to the page that makes me want to kill people. when I finally get back to my cart because your pages won't load
another item that I had is now no longer i
get to reload and repeat and end up with nothing.
If you're going to have so few items in stock, perhaps something like
a Raffle would be in order. instead of offering the item for sale,
offer a presale, take all the people who bought a pre-sale, put the
names in a hat and pull till supplies are exhausted, then apologize
to people who weren't able to get one.
While people would still be frustrated, it would at least give the
appearance of competence in your operations.
Thank you for your consideration, I'm sure this will just be deleted
and I look forward to your canned robo-response.
I think I'll be devoting my collector dollars to Vintage GI Joe toys
from this point on.