I had an idea for a universe where the world has been conquered by a despotic warlord. Decided to make some resistance fighters. I've got one finished, and ideas for a few others. They're a lot simpler bashes, than the creatures I've been doing lately. Here's the first one, others to follow whenever I get the fodder/decide to work on them.
He's made from a variant Steel Brigade (same as Snake Eyes V54/30th Anniversary Stalker) I patched up the holes in his knees where the knee pads plug in. I dry brushed the pants with Model Master
sand, but the effect is really subtle. The sweater is
interior green dry brushed over
olive drab. And, I painted the straps on the legs, since Hasbro couldn't be bothered. Head is modified from a movie Thor. I used Mr. Surfacer 500 to build up the facial scars on most of the forehead and cheek, and used a moto-tool to try to engrave them in the eyebrow. I painted them a light flesh color to make them look more like old scars, than the angry red of new scar tissue. A paint wash turned Chris Hemsworth's blond hair red. Pistol and silencer are spares from a Cobra Trooper, but I'd like to eventually replace them with one of Marauder's silenced .45s. The rifle came from POC Beachhead.
Greytech Heavy IndustriesIf it ain't broke, take it apart and lose some of the pieces. Then, it'll be a custom.