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 Post subject: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:59 am 
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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:47 am
Location: South Kansas City, Missouri (misery)
Xanther Burgrave : Defender of CITADEL 2071

The year is 2071... the world we knew is no more. Economic, political and climatic upheaval give rise to war, famine and widespread biological plagues.

Over 86% of all life that once inhabited the planet is now gone. Vast areas of once fertile ground have become desolate wastelands, savage and uninhabitable. Pockets of life still persist in remote mountain ranges and isolated coastal regions.

Society and civilization have been reduced to small bands of survivors, desparately clinging to life in the aftermath.

The largest of these groups have migrated to the Pacific Northwest of the former United States of America, establishing an enclave called Citadel.

Citadel is a 783 acre "safezone" and home to nearly 1,600 people. Within it's concrete walls and steel caged dome the poulation co-exists in relative peace and harmony. Outside this sanctuary... chaos reigns supreme.

Packs of ravenous Wildlings, descendants of mutated and infected humans, roam the Outlands, preying on all forms of life they find. Nocturnal and ferocious, they have begun organized and focused attacks against other strongholds like Citadel.

Another threat that mankind faces are automated machines called Deliverers. Originally constructed in an attempt to put an end to the spread of infection, these technological horrors now hunt human and Wildling alike. Encounters with Deliverers are becoming more rare, but are nearly always fatal.

As more and more lesser communities continue to fall one by one, Citadel remains mankinds greatest chance for a future. One man Xanther Burgrave, also called Father of the Freeguard, is Citadels only hope...



HEAD = POC Recondo - beard sculpted w/ epoxy





WEAPONS/GEAR = Machete & sheath = POC Duke - Hachets = POC Recondo - Sword & sheath = Stealth Samurai SpiderMan - 12ga. automatic, clip-fed shotgun was scratchbuilt from the frame of a 25th Shipwreck shottie w/ tactical stock/grip from Bravo Team shotgun & barrel from POC Duke big gun & 16 round clip added from fodder - Vest = jacket from DC Infinite Heroes Mr. Terrific w/ bits of armor, harness, packs from POC Duke/POC Recondo vests & pistol/hoslter & fanny bag from Bravo Team figs - Helmet = Bravo Team fig w/ skull mask from Indiana Jones Crystal Skull Cemetery Warrior - Belt from unknown Star Wars fig w/ pouches from ARAH Dusty

Hope U all enjoy this 1... THNX 4 lookin' - As always questions / comments / suggestions / critiques are welcomed!!! BL4CK5H33P out... !!!



Shift Stalkers - Gideon Standridge & Mex'ull Veg'lek - Shadow Slayer Group Alpha

For a very long time... (Ha! TIME... there is no such thing anymore... there is only The Dark...) mankind had thought the key to galactic exploration was achieving velocities equal to or exceeding the speed of light.

But it was the discovery & understanding of Dark Matter, and the subsequent development of methods & techniques, that enabled mankind to manipulate The Dark - making inter-stellar travel a reality.

You see... light takes "time" to reach a point in "space"... The Dark is already there... constant, instant. Light radiates, bends & reflects - The Dark penetrates, floods & is unyeilding. The Dark exists even in light - the longest shadows are cast when the sun is on the horizon. In The Dark - light does not exist... but there are other things that do.

Humans had been using The Dark for over 60 years & had managed to colonize 12 other worlds in 10 star systems in that short period. Then they opened a Void (a conduit for Dark Shift) to the Idrian system. Idria 4 is an Earth-like planet & is populated by the only other sentient beings Humans have encountered thus far. They are a bi-pedal, reptilian, humanoid species & Voids occur naturally on Idria 4.

Idrians have a long history with The Dark & the Jah'Duu that dwell within The Dark. Naturally occuring Voids are common on Idria 4 & the Jah'Duu use these conduits to feed on any Idrian, or Human for that matter, unfortunate enough to find themselves in complete darkness.

When Humans opened a Void to Idria 4 it also provided the Jah'Duu a gateway to Earth's Voidnet Darklanes. Humans call the Jah'Duu - Shadows, because that's exactly what they appear to be in daylight.

Shadows have threatened Earth's fledgling colonies for 8 years now... the Department of Dark Matter Affairs, along with the Idrian High Council, have assembled an elite group of commandos called Shift Stalkers - assigned with the task of ridding both species of this increasing menace.

Normal Dark Shift travel happens in an instant & Humans tolerate it well. Idrians are better adapted to sustained exposure in The Dark... very few Humans can withstand this disorientation for extended periods. Gideon Standridge is the exception, along with his Idrian partner, Mex'ull Veg'lek - they make up the Shift Stalker unit - designation Shadow Slayer Group Alpha. They are the only Stalkers to survive more than 3 missions & are the only team to return with the "plasmoid" corpse of a slain Jah'Duu. Their service records lists 22 successful missions & a kill count of 37.

Gideon & Mex'ull are preparing to open a Void... entering The Dark for a 23rd mission... their most dangerous yet... they're planning an assault on a small Jah'Duu nest.


"What man is a man who doesn't make the world a better place..."

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:37 am 
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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:47 am
Location: South Kansas City, Missouri (misery) ... adam-itchy

Madam Itchy - Dreadnok Prospect

Midori Ichigawa was born in Osaka, Japan. The only child of a powerful Yakuza general, she was treated & raised as if she were his son instead of his daughter. Havin' the best martial arts Masters as her instructors, the most elite weapons/firearms combat training & the greatest private education his wealth could provide - he was groomin' Midori to take over his position when his eventual retirement/death came about. She had been servin' as his personal bodyguard up until 4 years ago, when their family came under a series of attacks, orchestrated by a rival family within the Yakuza.

Fearing for his sole heir's safety - Ichigawa sent her into hidin' (despite her repeated & persistent objections). Changing her appearance & severin' all ties to her former life - finally settlin' in Miami, FL - ownin' an illegal, yet respectable high-class brothel called "Madam Itchy's", that catered to "deserving" clients includin' the occasional well payin' biker gangs. The Dreadnoks were some of her most revered & favorite customers. Her establishment was discreet, her girls were gorgeous, exotic & clean - no one EVER caused any trouble. Until, one night, a few months back...

Madam Itchy had (despite her better judgement) allowed a group of Japanese businessmen to visit, unaware that one among the group, had ties to the Yakuza - who subsequently informed the boss of the rival family, responsible for the attacks on her family back home, her current location.

2 days later, a Yakuza hit squad descended on her brothel, intent on her assassination. In the midst of a tremendous firefight, a small contingent of Noks had arrived, for their weekly appointment - Thrasher, Zandar, Ripper & Storm Rider - to be specific. When they finally had taken up positions to join the fracas, they witnessed a level of carnage that none of them could scarcely believe. Madam Itchy was movin' @ blindin' speed, takin' down one intruder after another... movin' from one target to the next... slicin' w/ a katana... pumpin' round after was a beautiful ballet of blood & death.

When the smoke had dissapated, a total of 20 assassins lay dead in her wake, 13 of her ladies had holes in them - where they weren't supposed to have holes & her place of business looked like Swiss cheese. The 4 Noks were speechless, then helped her recover from the ringin' in her ears, then she explained what had just transpired - who she really was & then she came to the sudden realization - she was no longer safe here.

Zandar didn't hesitate - "You're comin' w/ us, I'll speak to my brother - after what we just saw, I know you can handle yourself well enough, but you need a place to hide & friends who can help. We could use someone w/ your skills too... it would be mutually beneficial for all involved - Zartan trusts you, so I think he'll be sympathetic to your predicament & more than receptive to what you can bring to the party."

Not knowing where else to turn, Itchy agreed & left her life for a 2nd time - Zartan had indeed agreed w/ his brother, that she needed protection & her skills would be a valueable addition & immediately granted her Recruit status. Zanya has a plan to put those skills to the test... w/ these recent "Zane" developments, she is also hopin' that Midori is an "itch" that the Joes can't scratch.


"What man is a man who doesn't make the world a better place..."

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:45 am 
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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:47 am
Location: South Kansas City, Missouri (misery) ... mad-hatter

Mad Hatter - Dreandok Prospect

Maddox Hatley was born in Devil's Bend, OR. His father was killed in Viet Nam, before he was born. Abandoned by his mother @ the age of 4, he was raised by his paternal grandparents. They lived in a secluded cabin in the Oregon woods, where he learned how to hunt, fish & survive off the land. When both his grandparents had eventually passed on, he enlisted in the military @ the age of 32.

Hatley had proven himself a competent soldier, havin' served multiple tours of duty in Iraq & Afghanistan. In the fall of 2005 his convoy was struck by an IED - Maddox was the only survivor of this incident, but he was badly injured. He now bears a wicked scar across his right eyebrow & cheek, as well as a titanium plate in his skull. He also ALWAYS sports his grandfather's Sunday hat to cover the scars from that head surgery (somethin' he began doin' during his time @ the VA psychological hospital, where he was given the name "Mad Hatter"). His unseen injuries are far more severe... he now suffers from what the VA head shrinkers have labled "disassociative reality disorder". He is the quintessential poster child for Post Traumatic Stress. Medications help w/ this, but the only things he truly believes are entirely real are the 3 B's - Bikes, [LASER BLAST] & battles, not always in that order, the rest is just some fabricated "Wonderland" he can't escape from. Oddly enough, the color yellow seems to have a calming effect on him - it reminds him of the daffodils he places on his grandparents grave markers. *NOTE: Historically, the color yellow has often been associated w/ insanity.

After repeated, unsuccessful attempts @ a "normal" existence, he took the majority of his disability compensation & hand-crafted a custom cycle he calls 'Ol Yellar - named after his favorite chilhood movie. He tried to join several outlaw biker gangs, in attempts to find a place where he could "fit in" - all these efforts have ended up w/ the same results - a fellow club member dead by his hand, due to some altercation, either real or imagined & Hatter barely escapin' w/ his life after a blazin' gunfight. Now he just joyrides the American landscape, spendin' his disability checks @ stripclubs, restaurants, gas stations & motels.

3 weeks ago, his travels landed him in Florida, where 'Ol Yellar began experiencin' mechanical issues. Broken down on the side of the road, the Dreadnok mechanic Burn-Out had stopped to assist him (Burn-Out was impressed by the custom chopper & had plans on jackin' it). Burn-Out convinced Maddox to load up the bike in his truck & they would finish repairs @ his shop. When they arrived @ the garage a handful of Noks were hangin' out there - including Thrasher, Torch, Zandar, Zarana, Road Pig & none other than Zartan himself. Hatter couldn't keep his eyes off Zarana & this hadn't gone unnoticed by Road Pig. Havin' had enough of Mad Hatter's lustful gaze - Road Pig approached him sayin' "Once Burn gets done fixin' that piss yellow pony, you're gonna get on it & ride your ugly ass outta here, or I'm...". Even before DeLuca could finish his threat, Hatter had pulled his studded mace & planted it squarely in Road Pig's nutsack, droppin' the big man to his knees. Thrasher & Zarana burst into laughter - Torch & Zandar drew pistols & took aim @ the stranger, just as Zartan stepped in - "Any man who can bring this smelly mountain of muscle to his knees is OK in my book...", looked Hatter in eyes, then continued "How do you feel about becoming a recruit in our little organization?". Takin' a deep breath, Hatter replied, "Yeah, sure, what the hell." Zartan then enforced the rule that no one was to lay a finger on this man & swiftly landed a boot-kick to Road Pig's face.

For the 1st time in a long while, Mad Hatter feels like he belongs somewhere...


"What man is a man who doesn't make the world a better place..."

Last edited by BL4CK5H33P on Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:54 am 
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Thomas from Missourri

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
I quite enjoy the new Dreadnok concepts and particularly the execution of Mad Hatter. The design is full of character.

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:08 am 
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2008 6:48 pm
I really love that first guy, the beard is awesome, good job on that. Love the skull, reminds me of General Kael from Willow. Too cool.

I like the others too, but what torso is that for Zarana? That looks like a real cool torso, but I can't put my finger on it, is it a Star Wars/GI Joe combo? Either way, I like it, looks real nice.

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:48 am 
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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:47 am
Location: South Kansas City, Missouri (misery)
THNX Spin Doc & SP Mike - glad U guys enjoyed this thread... the Zarana is actually an original Nok character (Madam Itchy) created 4 a Dreadnok contest @ CustomFigureWars - I took 1st place w/ her - the upper torso is a StarWars Bultar Swan that I hollowed out & then drilled a hole N2 to accept the lower abdomen from a 25th Scarlet w/ a modified neck & ball - gives it a cool "babydoll" T-shirt look w/ a bare tummy & still maintains full articulation --- THNX again fellers!!!

"What man is a man who doesn't make the world a better place..."

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:19 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: The Netherlands
Cool helmet on Xanther Burgrave.

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:53 am 
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Special Limited Edition Co-Host / Membership Has Its Privileges
Special Limited Edition Co-Host / Membership Has Its Privileges

Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:31 pm
Location: Fort Wayne
Some really nice work in here. The Mad Hatter makes me mad though - only because I have that same head with a very similar hat (though for a different purpose) on my WIP table, even as we speak :angrymob:


Good job, and keep them coming.

Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:25 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Columbus, Ohio... Home of Rip-Cord and Grunt!
Nice work on all, but the stand-outs for me are the first one, Xanther Burgrave, and the Dreadnok, Mad Hatter. The parts and paints look spectacular. My only critique would be that Madam Itchy's head seems small, or at least her face... Anyway, great work overall!



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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:19 pm 
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Formerly Push You Down

Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: Rosemead CA
Mad Hatter is my favorite. The hat and the bike are just really great pieces.

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 Post subject: Re: Original custom characters & stories - by BL4CK5H33P
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:21 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:19 am
Location: The Black Hole of Toydom
Nice work all around.

Must have recipe for Mad Hatter!

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