Thanks for the comments, guys. And Will, thanks for reminding me where else I'd seen that head used for Aquaman. I was torn between that and the Steve Rogers head, but there really is a fishy feel to this one's stare.
Now on to another bad guy.
This is one that I've been kicking around for some time conceptually and wasn't even sure how to begin to tackle, probably because I wasn't sure exactly which version I was going to try and emulate.
While I was never much of a New Gods fan as a comic reader, I really grew to enjoy the characters -- particularly the bad guys -- through the DC animated universe. And since I already had a Darkseid in my growing collection of MU-scaled DC characters, I figured I might as well take a crack at his oldest boy and would-be enforcer:
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This is really a compromise between his more recent toon appearance and his classic comic/old-school HB toon look. I went this route mostly because I liked the idea of Kalibak being a slightly more bestial reflection of his dad and thought the new toon took his look a little too far in the "Where the Wild Things Are" direction while his earlier appearances made him look too much like a non-furry, barbarian version of Marvel's Hank McCoy.
Here's a shot of my Special K and his pops on "Take Your Son to Work Day":
kalibak2.jpg [ 532.26 KiB | Viewed 863 times ]
What do you guys think?