Thanks again for all the comments, guys. Wasn't sure how Capt. Atom would go over.
Similarly curious/cautious about these next two.
First, let me say I've never liked Bane. The idea of him was great...super-intelligent criminal who uses his adverse environment and obsession with Batman to become one of his most formidable foes both physically and intellectually. And that he'd take an experimental steroid-like drug just to give himself an added edge really does make sense. What doesn't fly with me is the notion that this experimental steroid-like drug draws in extradimensional mass or some such, making him roughly the size of the Hulk and superhumanly strong enough to lift a car.
To me, taking him that far away from being just the best a HUMAN bad guy can be really insults the brilliance of the character concept.
I probably never would have made a Bane if not for the previews I've seen of The Dark Knight Rises. What they've done with the character there intrigues me and may well be truer to the ay the character started out. But I don't really care for his look. So -- just ass my Batman is an amalgam of movie and comic appearances, so is my Bane:
Bane.jpg [ 512.91 KiB | Viewed 982 times ]
He's definitely big, but not hulking. And his venom, while it gives him an edge physically, is not necessarily the key to beating him (pull his hoses and he'll still have the muscles the Venom helps him maintain, but his energy/stamina may start to recede). Here's a look at the apparatus he wears to deliver his drug:
BaneBack.jpg [ 545.88 KiB | Viewed 982 times ]
Also thought I'd include some shots of a WIP, my version of Green Arrow:
GreenArrow2.jpg [ 409.02 KiB | Viewed 982 times ]
Pretty straightforward take. I need to make his bow green and brwon up some of the strap details on his gloves and boots, yet:
GreenArrow.jpg [ 474.53 KiB | Viewed 982 times ]
Here's one last shot to show the scale of Green Arrow and Bane with my armored Batman custom (I'm working on a moe traditional Bats that sports a slightly more streamlined profile):
Groupies.jpg [ 593.56 KiB | Viewed 982 times ]
So what do you guys think?