Thanks guys!
I do have a Reptos planned next, gonna try to give an "Evolutions" style treatment to that character as well.
base parts from what I can remember:
Upper Torso - combo of stormtrooper and croc-master
Lower torso - snake eyes (version with crossed knives on chest)
upper legs - combo of Scarlet and Gungan
lower legs - Gungan
feet - stormtrooper ( I replaced the WIP deadpool feet with the stormtrooper ones as they fit better in the sockets)
(upper set) upper arms - comic pack test pilot destro (I think.)
(upper set) lower arms - star wars figure (jedi of some sort, cant remember which one)
(lower set) upper arms - saga 41st trooper (scout trooper repaint) combined with lower legs of 25th duke ( I think)
(lower set) lower arms - geonosian warrior
head - completely sculpted from scratch
helmet - completely sculpted from scratch. I used liquid latex on the head, then built up layer of clay to build up arround it, then another layer of liquid latex over that before I started sculpting the helmet arround it. I used a nylon tube positioned just behind the head with styrene rod to connect the helmet to the body and allow it to open and close.
The brain is also painted in glow in the dark paint.
The pinchers are constructed from styrene with styrene rod to allow them to open and close.
The blaster arm is made from some General Grevious rib areas, nylon tube, styrene rods, pieces of some toy launcher, comic pack destro test pilot tubes and other junk kicking around the fodder bin. The rest is sculpted
The shield is made of styrene base, various bits to build up the bulk before sculpting, some of the destro tubing and the rest is sculpted.
Here are some WIP pics: (Some you see were switched later, like the feet)