Chief wrote:
danielb wrote:
. I don't see how that is any different.
Yeah, but in your job, I doubt that the rantings of less than 1% of your customer base would be enough to get you fired.
Again - the rants and protests of a bunch of 40-yr old men regarding a children's toy line just doesn't seem like enough of a catalyst to effect any change in the real world.
Huh? These two comments sound like they're saying I/we got him fired and then that we're not large enough to have any impact at all. I dunno which way you're going here, man. Not that it matters, since *nobody* said he should have gone sooner until he was actually gone.
What I want to see are numbers showing drops in sales and some sort of hard data pointing to lack of articulation as the reason for the slump in profits.
Because I'm really not feeling that right now.
Who said the lack of POA in the Avengers line is the reason for the slump in profits? The line's not even been out a month, so how could it be the reason for Hasbro's slump in profits last year? Also, you got any hard numbers about how we're 'less than 1% of Hasbro's customer base'? Because I don't know of any industry that so blatantly caters to 'less than 1% of their customer base' like the toy industry does. I know when I sub-teach in the elementary schools, all I hear about from the kids is how they're so eager for the 30th Anniversary Collection figs.
Man, it sure would be nice if y'all actually read my complaint, since I actually said:
Dudes, seriously; if Vonner's responsible for this crap (and the case ratios of the Cap and Thor lines), he should've been sacked sooner.I don't think anyone can protest the idea that case packout ratios and character selection negatively affected the Cap and Thor lines. And, again
IF Vonner's to blame for that, which again *NOBODY* here on this board knows either way; then he *should* have been sacked sooner as maybe then we all could have gotten the figs we wanted and Hasbro the money they wanted. Probably not, but
But, please do, keep telling me it's got nothing to do with the performance of anybody at Hasbro and is entirely about my age.