Couple simpler customs started over the weekend.
The "Clearfield" was a merger of somewhat antiquated and high tech equipment. The Mobile Heavy Rocket Artillery Vehicle (MHRAV), was a truck mounted, dual medium range surface to surface missile system. It was part of a network of heavy and specialized artillery pieces. These vehicles were integrated with a command and control network. Could use real time data from UAV's and laser targeting by forward SOF's. Many cases the coordinates were manually input into the vehicles targeting computer.
The missiles were old but effective at delivering nuclear, conventional, and cluster explosives. Nuclear was a no go. But, the conventional warhead and cluster or frag explosives packed a powerful punch. It could clear a battlefield of enemy infantry or at least inflict a lot of damage and havoc for the enemy. The tonnage of explosive power would cause heavy damage to the surrounding area.
Unfortunately, the "Clearfield" saw limited action. Cons: The collateral damage and civilian death toll could be severe if hit populated areas. If a target was confirmed outside a major city then was a great tool beyond that was not a precision strike weapon. The range was limited to 150 miles. Easily brought down by enemy fire. Slow to reload.
When it was used, the pro's out weighed the cons. Enemy forces suffered casualties and significant damage to their equipment. It's fire power made it an unexpendable asset. The "Clearfieid" operate along the perimeter of the occupied zones. In Virginia, they served a more defensive role if the invaders advanced north.
It's offensive roles were more after targets of opportunity or where there was a significant presence of enemy activity outside populated cities.
Positive Trader Reports: 30 Sep 10, 22 Oct 10
popeye357 13 Oct 10
Ferrari250GTO 15 Oct 10
xddave 24 Oct 10
ram04 9 Nov 10