Thanks for the thoughts on the Bad Major, guys. I may revisit those hands.
Meanwhile, here's a cool dude I've been laboring over since I finished playing Arkham City:
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It took quite some time to accumulate the pieces I knew I needed for him, so I had to be pretty patient. The shoulder armor and gauntlets are from a Captain America deluxe movie figure that I just couldn't bring myself to buy until I found it on clearance. The codpiece and lower legs are from an Iron Man 2 comic series Whiplash. The helmet is modded from a 25th comic-pack Ace. The backpack is from a comic-pack Resolute Destro. The gun is modified from a comic-pack 25th Cobra Commander. The body is primarily Dark Spider Man from the now-elusive comic 2-pack and the head is a modified DC Universe Infinite Heroes Lex Luthor with goggles off an old SpyTroops Sand Viper figure's helmet.
Here's how he looks from the back:
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All the paint was custom mixed with metallics and took days between coats to dry, especially on the head.
Here's a shot of him changing out his suit's cooling core, which was made from a Star Wars lightsaber:
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To occupy the down time between part shipments and paint drying on Mr. Freeze, I went back and revisited my Kalibak design. The comments were pretty focused on his colors being too bright, which I addressed in version 2.0, but I also decided to go for a slightly more traditional overall look. After consulting with my resident expert (six-year-old son), I settled on the JLU animated universe aesthetic:
Kalibak2-point-oh.jpg [ 588.64 KiB | Viewed 670 times ]
So what do you guys think?