I really appreciate all the kind words and encouragement, guys. They're inspiring the heck out of me.
To that end, I used an hour tonight to finish up another long-simmering idea I had:
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Dr. Fate is mostly MU Cyclops (90s version) with the lower arms from a Secret Wars Cyclops (only the right hand was his, though -- the left came from another comic book doctor) -- and naturally the Cyclops yellows didn't match. The belt is a modified Sentry belt, the cape is from Adam Warlock and the head is from a DC Infinite Heroes version of Fate himself.
And while I was tying up loose ends, I went back to address a custom I've never really been happy with. If you look back in this thread, you'll see
a Green Arrow custom I slapped together to fill a spot on the roster. I could never quite figure out what was bugging me about it, and no matter how much I tweaked it I couldn't get comfortable with it. So I started completely over and ended up with this:
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It's a Secret Wars Cyclops torso on some Iron Fist legs with 25th Tomax/Xamot upper arms, 25th Buzzer lowers and 25th Serpentor gloves and feet. The belt/skirt, head, hood and quiver were culled from a DCIH Green Arrow. The harness and boot spats are from MU Commander Rogers and the bandolier is from 25th Duke.
I'm much happier with this version. Not only because the proportions seem a bit more realistic but because it's a good half head taller than the old one and fits in much better with the rest of my DC-verse customs. It also holds a pose better:
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What do you guys think?