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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:16 pm 
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wow a nice person sent me this link


the 2011 joe con it was announced at a round table the show was put on hiatus to focus on the second joe film.

now as far as my knowledge of toy production, I am sure my knowledge base, is made up of much of the same information as yours. So we can call that a wash. The one big difference in what I believe and what you believe, is that i gather inforamtion from around the web and apply a healthy dose of skepticism to what a I hear. You seem to take it all as hard fact. I mean why on earth would Hasbro lie to you? or master collector...

anyway if a regular guy like Falcone can take a make an a joe figure from scratch and already have his first hardcopy samples hand painted for review, I am certain a multinational corporation would not have a lot of trouble putting some figure out there for sale. Even if they couldn't coordinate with the big box stores they could put out box sets or single figs online, maybe even have them listed with diamond collectables as well. See "LASER BLAST" happens, and people that know what they are doing, usually have a back up plan for when that happens.

oh but I forgot, you aren't going to get into an argument with me, just make a snide remark at my expense so you can feel good for the day. As for arguing and baiting, I prefer discourse over talking down to everyone, constantly.

Gaigaan-Dnok wrote:
First I want to say danielb is a bastard.

Team Red Lazer

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:27 pm 
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danielb wrote:
at the 2011 joe con it was announced at a round table the show was put on hiatus to focus on the second joe film.

Man I hope that is true. The Renegades figures are my favorite, I would love some more.

Green Laser Sympathizer

Dusty79 wrote:
I can't wait to cut those babies up for parts.

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:35 pm 
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I would hope they'd come back to it, but so far with hasbro hiatus has almost always meant "dead" I am sure the figures will show up in some way at some point though. Remember that Resolute snake eyes selling for tons of money on ebay, then getting released like 5 times in different paint schemes? If hasbro keeps doing 7 pack internet exclusives I would be willing to bet Renegades would be a sure selling theme. Now to get the show back on the air... lol why anyone would put RoC over renegades I have no clue.

Gaigaan-Dnok wrote:
First I want to say danielb is a bastard.

Team Red Lazer

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:50 pm 
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Snake Staked

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:roll: Let it go and move on, dude.

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:00 pm 
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Strong Fat Tongue

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Pyre wrote:
:roll: Let it go and move on, dude.

Uh, no offense but you always try to correct people. You can't tell people to let it go when they're offering a counter point that doesn't jive with your own. :-/

joemichaels70 wrote:

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:06 pm 
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Pyre wrote:
Your understanding of toy production is sorely limited but obviously any attempts to correct that aren't going to make a difference to you anyway.

From the Iron Man 3 thread:
Pyre wrote:
Considering I really don't know the ins and outs of action figure production

I'm confused; how can you correct someone's lack of knowledge when you don't actually possess the knowledge required to correct them? Wouldn't that just amount to...speculation?

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:19 pm 
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Formerly Suburbanator

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Did any of the TransFormers shows get put on hiatus while the movies were in production? (I honestly don't know if any shows were on during the movie time frame)

We can always hope that after the movies hoopla has died down, the toy line will get on with a continuation of the 30th line or something akin to the PoC line that followed RoC.

As for the TV show...

Following the story of G.I*JOE: Renegades, comes G.I.*JOE: Beginnings. After exposing Cobra for the evil corporation that it is, the newly formed G.I.*JOE team, headed by General "Hawk" Abernathy, Sgt. "Duke" Houser and Capt. "Scarlett" O'Hara, seeks to destroy them. Recruited on to the new team are not only the original members of the "Renegades," but memebers of the Army, Flint, Lady Jaye and Heavy Duty, as well as those who helped the Joes while trying to clear their names and bring down Cobra, including Breaker, Barbeque, Airtight, Snow Job, Steeler, Doc, and others...

Some people, when trying to avoid thinking about those things that cause them pain, turn to drink, food, or drugs...I turn not to any of those...I collect action figures. Over the years, I've found that alcoholism is much more socially acceptable by far.

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:20 am 
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Suburbanator wrote:
As for the TV show...

Following the story of G.I*JOE: Renegades, comes G.I.*JOE: Beginnings. After exposing Cobra for the evil corporation that it is, the newly formed G.I.*JOE team, headed by General "Hawk" Abernathy, Sgt. "Duke" Houser and Capt. "Scarlett" O'Hara, seeks to destroy them. Recruited on to the new team are not only the original members of the "Renegades," but memebers of the Army, Flint, Lady Jaye and Heavy Duty, as well as those who helped the Joes while trying to clear their names and bring down Cobra, including Breaker, Barbeque, Airtight, Snow Job, Steeler, Doc, and others...

Yes.....the show did end where it could could be picked up and ran with as a traditional Joe vs Cobra show. Lets hope so. The writing and voice actors and animation were all great. It could be something great if they pick it back up..

Green Laser Sympathizer

Dusty79 wrote:
I can't wait to cut those babies up for parts.

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:28 am 
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Suburbanator wrote:
Did any of the TransFormers shows get put on hiatus while the movies were in production? (I honestly don't know if any shows were on during the movie time frame)

Tranfsormers Animated got killed for pretty much the same reason as Renegades if I remember correctly. They didn't want competing themes in kids minds. Which is a shame, because TF Animated was great.

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:10 am 
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HypnoHustler wrote:
Suburbanator wrote:
Did any of the TransFormers shows get put on hiatus while the movies were in production? (I honestly don't know if any shows were on during the movie time frame)

Tranfsormers Animated got killed for pretty much the same reason as Renegades if I remember correctly. They didn't want competing themes in kids minds. Which is a shame, because TF Animated was great.

No, Animated's death had more to do with it being co-produced by Cartoon Network, and Hasbro wanting its flagship property on its new The Hub channel.

You're far too young to be this bitter and angry at the world....

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:14 pm 
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Snake Staked

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sgartz wrote:
Pyre wrote:
Your understanding of toy production is sorely limited but obviously any attempts to correct that aren't going to make a difference to you anyway.

From the Iron Man 3 thread:
Pyre wrote:
Considering I really don't know the ins and outs of action figure production

I'm confused; how can you correct someone's lack of knowledge when you don't actually possess the knowledge required to correct them? Wouldn't that just amount to...speculation?

You can't pull a line out of another thread without leaving the context. I've never claimed to know everything but I know enough and what I do know I've heard from reliable people and like I've said before, it surprises me that you all don't know all this yourselves. Most other places I go, this is all common knowledge. But I guess some people are just so dependent on their hate-boner for Hasbro that they just ignore whatever legitimate info they're given.

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:45 pm 
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Strong Fat Tongue

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Pyre wrote:
sgartz wrote:
Pyre wrote:
Your understanding of toy production is sorely limited but obviously any attempts to correct that aren't going to make a difference to you anyway.

From the Iron Man 3 thread:
Pyre wrote:
Considering I really don't know the ins and outs of action figure production

I'm confused; how can you correct someone's lack of knowledge when you don't actually possess the knowledge required to correct them? Wouldn't that just amount to...speculation?

You can't pull a line out of another thread without leaving the context. I've never claimed to know everything but I know enough and what I do know I've heard from reliable people and like I've said before, it surprises me that you all don't know all this yourselves. Most other places I go, this is all common knowledge. But I guess some people are just so dependent on their hate-boner for Hasbro that they just ignore whatever legitimate info they're given.

Are other places you go GI Joe boards? Because I think they treat the brands differently. What they do for Star Wars and Transformers wouldn't exactly relate to or be comparable with what Hasbri does for GI Joe.

joemichaels70 wrote:

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:14 pm 
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Pyre wrote:
You can't pull a line out of another thread without leaving the context. I've never claimed to know everything but I know enough and what I do know I've heard from reliable people and like I've said before, it surprises me that you all don't know all this yourselves. Most other places I go, this is all common knowledge. But I guess some people are just so dependent on their hate-boner for Hasbro that they just ignore whatever legitimate info they're given.

I don't see how the phrase "I really don't know the ins and outs of action figure production" requires much context, but here you go:

Pyre wrote:
Distribution is a problem from the retail end of it. There's not much Hasbro can do about it.

Hasbro doesn't make decisions "just because". There are reasons for them and you'll notice that the reasons that we are given are coming from people working on the brand who DO care about it, as well as people who have dealt with Hasbro, not someone in a suit who only cares about the bottom line. Considering I really don't know the ins and outs of action figure production, nor does anyone else here, I'm willing to take those reasons at face value instead of making up a reason because I don't like it or even blaming them for something that they don't control. I don't know why other figures may cost less than Hasbro's. I don't collect much else outside of GI Joe or Transformers so I don't worry about what other companies are doing.

According to this site, the average wage of a manufacturing employee in 2002 was 57 cents/hour US. 5 years later in 2007 that wage was $1.06/hour. The following year it went up 30 cents. According to an article on this site that wage has gone up to $2.50/hour. So in five years the average wage went up almost 150%. So yes, it's pretty easy to believe that manufacturing costs have doubled in 5 years.

And the context is still "I don't actually know any more about toy production than any of you." We're all seeing the same information, and yet you present your interpretation of that information as unassailable truth. Even that would be less objectionable if you didn't attempt to bolster your arguments by painting everyone who disputes or even questions that interpretation as braying morons who willfully ignore the wisdom that you're bestowing upon us. That's getting pretty old. However, I've got a solution that's equitable for everyone: you mention that the members of other boards you frequent already know or agree with what you're peddling; since the people on those boards are clearly more willing to embrace your arguments on that subject, maybe they would be a better audience for such things, and us idiots over here could just persist in our foolish beliefs.

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:50 pm 
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Hi, beav. Playing cards?
Hi, beav. Playing cards?

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 Post subject: Re: Renegades TV Show
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:01 pm 
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Snake Staked

Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:01 pm
Believe whatever you want. The stuff that should be common knowledge are excepted as such elsewhere because the people that present that knowledge are trusted individuals that have been around for a long time and have no reason to make up this kind of stuff. It's not just this board that's so resistant to said information either. It's the whole GIJoe fandom. Finding people who actually share in the same knowledge that I and others do seem to be rare. What's frustrating about it is that a lot of what I present is just common sense whereas the ridiculous conspiracy theories rely on the notion that Hasbro doesn't like to make money which is just asinine. Believe what you want. I'll just sit here and shake my head at the nonsense. I'm done with this conversation.

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