Spin Doctor wrote:
I'm torn on this one.
I like the figure tremendously and very much approve of the idea of Snake Eyes in different environmental colors. But aside from the head and web gear there really isn't much that clearly identifies this as Snake Eyes.
I'd probably be a bigger fan of the figure as Snake Eyes if he were wearing a sweater up top instead of the button up shirt.
A knife in his boot would help, too.
I put a lot of thought into what he would wear. In a hot and humid jungle or swamp, a sweater would not be ideal. In the end I decided to go with what the army would issue for jungle combat, woodland camo BDUs.
As for the legs, a leg mounted pistol would more likely get water and muck in it than a higher, hip mounted holster. The ideal mount would be on the chest, like Recondo, but I really didn't have a means to do that since I wanted to use the 25th Snake Eyes bandolier. A knife in the boot would get snagged on underbrush and catch on stuff in water he has to go through.
Thinking on the proper attire for this custom is what led me to make the custom commando style head. A visor would not be ideal because of rain getting on the inside of it as well as the outside. It would impede vision. The POC commando head seems more like a helmet than a cloth or leather mask, and would not be as breathable. So I made an appropriate looking one.