So they are changing the name of the line, and focusing on characters that are already lingering at retail.
All of a sudden Hasbro's comment last year about the line getting easier to find at retail... is starting to make sense.
Goldbug wrote:
wolvie9@mucollectorclub wrote:
After that last wave the MU line will be rebranded into Avengers in 2014. Which will ONLY include avengers themed Characters. The Following year 2015 they plan on switching it up and doing ONLY X-men Themed characters. I think this is a great idea sucks yes us xmen fans have to wait but least we know we'll get some love at some point.
Assuming that this move doesn't kill the line before it makes it to 2015, that is.
Someone at Hasbro is either a blithering buffoon, or a genius.
2014 : X-Men movie in the theaters - toy line focuses on the Avengers
2015 : Avengers 2 in the theaters - toy line focuses on the X-Men
If they have movie lines for both films, then I would lean more towards the genius angle.
If they do not have movie lines, then someone needs fired.
"Now I am somewhere I am not supposed to be,
and I can see things I never really should've seen,
and now I know why, and now I know why...
things aren't as pretty... on the inside"