One more project completed, well not at 100% Retaliation Timber is missing which I will place going down the stairs next to SE. I had this 80% done for a while since I wasn't completely happy with the outcome. So over the past few months I gathered ideas and finally finished it. All the base with the exception of the SW bunker section was done with K-line not sure if this is the english name for it, and printed sticker paper.I took the walls, computers and computer rooms from photos over the internet.
I used POC Dusty barbwire on the bunker section since it would be easy for someone to climb over it
. The missile/rocket launcher is from a 2002 Hammer vehicle I mod that vehicle so this was just around.
Some stairs to access the heliport, on which SE prepares itself to infiltrate into the base. The main command center and several Hydra Troops serving Cobra
. Also an Hazard Viper is climbing the other set of stairs to equip some of the missile with hazard material.
Cobra Commander's room with a throne, and surrounded by several guards. On the ceiling you can see a tube. This tube has some LED lights on it. The light sucks to be honest (maybe its the batteries) I was hoping to be better since the all room is closed so it tends to become rather dark on it.
For the main command center I used a Star Trek set. Destro, Baroness, Firefly and some Iron Grenadiers take command of the base. The monitor was one of the last things to be added.