I just wanted to put these out here and see if anyone had any feedback for me... I'm overall pretty happy with how they all came out, though they were pretty rushed there at the end and I'm sure I cut a few corners.
First up is Clark Kent, who I find infinitely more interesting than Superman.
Once I figured out the rules for the challenge, I decided to go ahead and make a Power Girl and her secret identity as well, but only because the parts I needed fell right into my lap. JM70 sent me the Padme body I would use, and Kilcarr sent me to legs. I'm still not happy with my sculpting ability, but the Teflon tape worked out pretty well for the upper part if her costume.
Still not satisfied with my skirt-work in the civilian version, either, so that's something I'll need to work on.
So what am I missing? Any input?
Joe Customs wrote:
"Lance Sputnik you are both insane and brilliant!" (meandnooneelse)
"I want a Lance Sputnik range of figures." (Kambei)
"i love you, Lance Sputnik." (Joemichales70)