SNEEK PEEKParts used:
Duke Resolute head and Forearms
Viper 50th body
Airborne Helmet
Hawk Belt
Combat Trooper Vest
So here was a fun one. I first got the idea when I saw the pictures of the 50th viper, with a grey base to play off of. I was going to use bare forearms, and might still go back to them. The grey on the forearms currently doesn't match the sleeves, however it's a perfect match for the grey on the leg pockets, so it *kinda* flows, but I'm not sold on it yet.
SCRAP IRONScrap Iron was pretty easy to do. Red and Black paint, no head modifications needed, and a sticker. I switched the feet out to the 25th Scrap Iron feet just to make sure there would be zero paint chipping when posing. I loved this working on this one.
VAPORVapor was one of those figures I just didn't know how to do. While shopping for items to use in the upcoming joint project with Oreobuilder and Dusty79
G.I. JOE RESURGENCE (shameless plug), I stumbled across this head from the TRU military and thought it was unique enough to tackle Vapor. The rest fell into place with fodder, and a waterslide decal from Dusty79.
BULLHORNHead: Retaliation Flint
Body: Retaliation Airborne
Legs: Resolute Snake Eyes and Duke
Webgear: Modified Chap Mei Stuff
SCOOPHead: Chuckles
Body: Retaliation Scoop
Vest: PoC Beachead
Accessories: Vintage/Chap Mei
Head: Angel Forge Cast
Torso and Arms: PoC Night Fox
Upper Legs: Unknown
Lower Legs: Resolute Stalker
Webgear: PoC Zartan
Rampart probably could have gone into the CC8 Wippin It Challenge, because this guy has been on my table for two years. I finally finished him up in the last couple of weeks. I went through every head imaginable trying to get the figure to look just right, including trying two other casters versions of Rampart head's (one was rally nice and had a mic attached, the other was a dremeled out vintage one, that only fit the smaller heads from the 25th early figures). I also tried modding the PoC Dusty helmet right after I got him years back to no success. I finally just decided I was going to splurge and went on a rather expensive shopping spree for cast parts in mid February. This head rocks.
BLIZZARDBlizzard was the first custom I had completed last year. Pretty decent reception, except for the huge helmet (vintage).
I never submitted him due to that helmet issue. I searched high and low, tried different helmet including a Naboo pilot one, but the X Wing fighter helmet won out in the bitter end. Not much different from the last go round except the new helmet and a Joe logo on the arm.
Head: Resolute Beach Head (I think)
Torso and Arms: DG Shipwreck
Legs: PoC Beach Head
Beach Head here was just a happy accident, as i was popping different heads on DG Shipwreck figures to see what kind of characters I could come up with. The green turned out to be a perfect match! I added the PoC gear and legs to him to give him an updated look, and tried to keep the classic color scheme. I painted the pants brown, added some light grey camo on the pants, and a dash of red on the vest. Pretty easy one!
bucky, drbindy, Tim 121RVC, alleyviperelite, danielb, DREMEL
harlie, icecreamman, Jogunwarrior, Mysterious Stranger
Oneforceleader, Rambo, ronin, Silent Master, Suburbanator
toy-nutz, Tsunami, Wowboy, pugsley, spin doctor